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Best of 2012

Here's my list for my top 10 games of 2012

List items

  • 5/5; Borderlands 2 has a mixed story. I like what they were trying to going for and while I enjoyed characters like Handsome Jack, the majority of the humor was remarkably unfunny and groan inducing. And yet Borderlands 2's gameplay managed to hook me even more then the first game, prompting me to play though the game 4 times (2 characters, both new game plus) and all the DLC. This isn't one I can't quite explain, but I really like Borderlands 2. - 02/05/13

  • 5/5; Mass Effect 3 is a game where my feelings have gone back and forth on it. When first playing though it I loved it. After I beat it my feelings soured from the ending. However over the course of time with the extended cut, other DLC, and some time to reflect my feelings on Mass Effect 3 have gone up greatly. What the game tried to do and what it gets right, is so good and I can't help but think fondly on those moments. Its not as good as Mass Effect 2, but its a damn good game that still does Mass Effect proud. - 02/05/13

  • 5/5; Walking Dead takes what games like Mass Effect started with dialogue and took it to the next level. The way characters remember and react to what Lee says throughout the game is groundbreaking and should be seen more in future video games. Walking Dead's story and characters combined to give you the player some truly heartbreaking and shocking moments that managed to get me time and time again. I even cried at the end. -02/05/13

  • 5/5; Its "furry" art style is not quite for me but its colorful animation more then makes up for it. Its Metroidvania gameplay style is awesome and the story is both funny and surprisingly well done and serious. - 02/05/13