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2019 Biggest Disappointments

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  • This got delayed to 2020 and while I understand and am patient, this was a disappointment.

  • Couldn't log in for two weeks, all the land is gone, everything went to hell and the devs haven't learned a single thing. Moving on.

  • I wanted to love this so badly but the damn controls are terrible and frustrating.

  • Delayed again...

  • Seriously, this is a remaster? There are downloadable packs you can get that were made by fans that are a much better remaster than whatever this was. So disappointing.

  • Ugh, Epic Store exclusive? I hate this shit. I played this on the Xbox game pass on the console and I'm really glad I did because it turns out I didn't really like this. The controls at one point got frustrating and I didn't feel motivated to figure them out. The characters are TOO snarky. It's trying so hard to be funny.

  • I was hoping this would be really cool, but turns out it's a very boring walker simulator full of Kojima's friends.

  • It turns out the devs really suck.