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End of Year Rush

Games from 2012, that I want to complete before GOTY discussion here on Giant Bomb. I will update as I complete them. Some I have started previously and will come back, others I need to start from the beginning

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  • Finished this and Nightmare on North Point DLC. I loved it. 18 hours to complete main story and a bunch of side stuff. I played a few more hours to go for an S rank, there are still a lot of chests to find. I'll go back after the year is over and get that S rank and listen to some podcasts. I might even go back and Platinum it on PS3. I really loved it. GOTY contender for me.

  • This game was certainly interesting. I think it is the only game to actually make me feel emotions for my actions. I need to write something up about this soon. Enjoyed it a lot.

  • Going to start tonight!

  • I played a decent amount of multiplayer for a week or so. Then I bought like 20 games on Black Friday/Cyber Monday. I want to finish the campaign before GOTY discussion.

  • I play a few missions every couple of nights. Very fun. Should be done by GOTY.

  • I'll play this, probably before Mark of the Ninja. Just bought it.

  • Want to play this too.

  • I played a few of the episodes a few months ago. I'd like to finish it by the end of the month.

  • I really enjoyed my time with the multiplayer, even though it was a little glitchy. I'd like to go back, but don't really have time for multiplayer right now. I did a few missions of the story mode. I'd like to get back and finish it.

  • Kind of forgot about this game. I'd love to play it if possible.

  • I never finished the campaign, which is weird because ME2, is one of my all time favorites. It's been hard to play an RPG during the semester, which is why I stopped. Brad's talk and the TNT, made me really want to play it again. We'll see.

  • Not really sure if I have time to go back before GOTY. Not sure if I want to. I will play more of it, I just have so much more to play. I think I was burnt out on the first game.

  • Bought this on a Steam sale. Played about an hour. Would like to play some more to compare to Diablo III.