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Top 10 - Favourite Female Video Game Characters!

All time favourite female game characters. Some well known and a few more obscure.

List items

  • Chun-Li is an all time fav. Since first playing Street Fighter II all those years ago, I have never forgotten Chun-Li and consider the design of this character to be impossible to beat. From her looks to the simply awesome blue clothing she wears she's just perfect.

  • Bayonetta is a strange choice for me, she wears clothing that would hold no interest in real life, but here Bayonetta becomes a secretary, teacher, bad girl, naughty minx of a women. Not only is the character incredibly well detailed and well thought out, but she likes flash the goods to her foes just before using her own hair to rip them apart.

  • The Asari are an unusually attractive blue in colour alien race of all females. Debates rage over on the Mass Effect forums about the mating process, how does melding work exactly, what exactly takes place? What does that all matter? The fact is that Liara is a cool character, powerful and even more mysterious during Mass Effect 2.

  • The original game girl. The original NES Metroid surprised everyone who finished by introducing Samus as female. Samus has everything that most men would wish for themselves. She has a cool powered armour suit, big guns and the guts to storm into dangerous situations with life draining Metroid creatures, then survive. That's plain cool.

  • Cortana is not only voiced brilliantly, she is blue/purple in colour which just has to be a plus, is naked, bossy, intelligent and completely and utterly non-existent in a physical sense. Halo campaigns like ODST lack something without Cortana providing a constant narrative.

  • Cute, but capable soldier that still retains a femanine grace that no real life women soldier would ever achieve. Pulling off the red head look well, Meryl has become a much harder character by MGS4, but is all the better for it.

  • Absolutely minor character as far as Batman Arkham Asylum goes, but all the same is a brilliant incarnation of Poison Ivy. Twigs and plants aside, her magical powers over men are demonstrated if you recover her interview tapes during the game. It's just a shame she is so crazy about her plants and despises humans altogether. Credit goes to the designers though, hope for a return in Arkham Asylum 2.

  • Yade as your computer companion pronounces it during Beyond Good and Evil is relegated to an almost dead Ubisoft franchise. Which is a shame because there just aren't enough characters in general that can pull off her green colour scheme and not look like a jester. Hopefully Ubisoft's announcement of a sequel is still in the works and not only a cool character is joined by the return of Beyond Good and Evil.

  • Giant Bomb need to sort the default image for Nico, in the later games her design became a lot more refined. Still the main reason Nico is listed here is the choice of vocal talent. Whoever it might be, delivers an awesome french accent pushing Nico into my top 10.

  • You've never heard of her? Surpised? No! Very minor and obscure character seen in Shen Mue. Basically she is the cute flower selling girl that Ryo has known since childhood, who is obviously interested in him, but is being dragged off to America if my memory serves me correctly. Shen Mue is a series I would love to see end, with an actual ending, and should Shen Mue III EVER happen (unlikely!) would like to see Ryo and Nozomi reunited.