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Games I played in 2018

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  • Completed on January 12th

    [+] Excellent story

    [+] Superb voice acting

    [+] Very fun combat system

    [+] The character runs SO FAST!

    [-] Side quests were very boring


  • Completed on January 24th

    [+] Deep, thought provoking story

    [+] Makes me think of the original MGS in some of its "outside-the-box" moments

    [+] Excellent combat and hacking gameplay

    [+] Good pacing, especially in the second and third playthroughs


  • Completed on February 23rd

    [+] Good story, just complex enough for the type of game

    [+] Deep yet accessible combat system

    [+] Excellent monster design

    [-] Single player campaign is too long


  • Completed on March 3rd

    [+] Classic Metroid gameplay

    [+] No tutorial, no hand-holding

    [-] Not enough variety when fighting Metroids

    [-] 3D environments could have had a bit more personality


  • Completed on March 19th

    [+] The real-time turn-based hybrid combat system is a ton of fun.

    [+] Interesting characters that are not completely good or evil.

    [+] The few puzzles that are there are fun to solve.

    [-] Tons of mechanics layered on top of each other that make them hard to understand.


  • Completed on March 28th

    [+] Pretty good conclusion to the story, epic in scale

    [+] Satisfying combat, as always with the series

    [-] Puzzles felt more like busy work than mind benders

    [-] Paint-by-numbers God of War game


  • Completed on April 27th

    [+] Mind bending gameplay

    [+] Very cool action movie scenarios

    [-] Became a little repetitive in the later levels.

    [-] Had some clipping issues when shooting close to furniture.


  • Completed on April 29th

    [+] Excellent mix of ranged and melee combat

    [+] Scoring system favors variety in gameplay

    [+] Amazing graphics

    [-] Internet humor is more annoying than fun


  • Completed on May 6th

    [+] Excellent music

    [+] Good pacing, not a lot of downtime

    [-] A lot of tired co-op clichés

    [-] Gun play segments feel out of place and clunky


  • Completed on May 6th

    [+] Climbing mechanics work pretty well

    [+] Varied stages

    [-] Not enough built-in stages

    [-] Jumping is pretty awkward and doesn't work as you would think


  • Completed on May 20th

    [+] Excellent graphics for the time

    [+] Combat system is well thought out

    [-] Very much a derivative Resident Evil clone

    [-] Bland uninteresting story


  • Completed on May 21th

    [+] Charming, colorful graphics

    [+] Excellent action combat system

    [+] RTS-style skirmishes are very well done

    [+] Tons of content (side-quests and side activities)

    [-] Main quest is repetitive and a little short

    [-] Lack of voice acting in key scenes

    [-] Music is excellent but re-used way too much


  • Completed on May 27th

    [+] Superb return to the survival horror roots

    [+] Some of the most tense moments I've had in gaming

    [+] Excellent pacing, story is revealed at a good pace


  • Completed on June 25th

    [+] Funny, well-written dialogue

    [+] Excellent music

    [-] Some of the platforming segments are a bit dry


  • Completed on August 3rd

    [+] Endearing, lighthearted story

    [+] Super fun and dynamic combat system

    [+] Excellent music

    [+] Non-frustrating boss fights


  • Completed on August 6th

    [+] Excellent challenge, well balanced

    [+] Tons of secrets

    [+] Classic Mario


  • Completed on August 14th

    [+] Freedom in evolving your creature

    [+] Challenging bosses

    [-] A little too much grinding

    [-] Music is super repetitive


  • Completed on August 17th

    [+] Lots of content, modes

    [+] Colorful art style from Yoshi's Island

    [+] Very fast puzzle gameplay


  • Completed on August 17th

    [+] Tight combat system

    [+] Varied enemy types

    [+] Awesome bosses


  • Completed on August 25th

    [+] Realistic and predictable AI systems

    [+] Many ways of replaying the same levels

    [-] Not all levels are as much fun


  • Completed on September 2nd

    [+] Classic Mortal Kombat gameplay with great character specific mechanics

    [+] Story mode plot made me think of the best 90s blockbuster movies

    [+] Strong design for the new characters

    [-] A little short on single player side content


  • Completed on September 26th

    [+] Movie quality story, music and cinematics

    [+] Tons of quality content, every little side quest is meaningful

    [+] Zipping around the city never gets old


  • Completed on October 20th

    [+] Well written characters and excellent voice acting

    [+] Combat gameplay is tight and exciting

    [+] Game pacing is top notch


  • Completed on November 18th

    [+] Funny, charming story and characters

    [+] Balanced, challenging combat system

    [-] Tedious inventory management


  • Completed on December 15th

    [+] Amazing, challenging platforming

    [+] Touching, heartfelt story

    [+] Perfect soundtrack

    [+] Lots of quality optional extra content
