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2015 Games I've Bought

With the idea being that I actually make a note of the games I've bought this year so I don't forget anything come end of year.

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  • So I finished episode 1. I really don't love episodic gaming. I've gotta wait a month for more of this? Bummer. Really liked where this went so far though, even if it ultimately felt like just a teaser. I hope it does end up feeling Wolf Among Us, better suited to being an entire game rather than episodes.

  • It's a really good game

  • A nice and simple idea implemented effectively

  • I'm just assuming this came out this year. It's pretty fun for this sort of click & wait thing

  • I'm really bad at this so far

  • Sure, I've owned it for 18 months but it's finally out!

  • I'm hooked

  • I'm no longer hooked fortunately.

  • Really like the premise. Wish I could pay £10 to remove all the free-to-play hooks though.

  • Yeah, don't love it as much as I liked 10,000,000 but it's still a good idea executed well.

  • Is it technically out-out? I sort of hate that about Greenlight style games. Never can tell.