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2020 is almost over and I think the only 2020 release I played was the C&C remaster.

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My favorite video game composers

Musicians who've created some fantastic video game music, often stuff I can listen to endlessly even outside of the game.

List items

  • Total Annihilation and the Elder Scrolls games have fantastic music I just can't get enough of, despite the songs generally being only 2-3 minutes long and thus should get repetitive fast.

  • Wizardry 8 and Star Trek Online have some of my favorite soundtracks, both composed by Kevin Manthei.

  • As of yet he hasn't gotten to score many good games, but even when the games themselves were bordering on unplayable his music kept me playing, and digging up the sound files so I could keep listening. Especially his music for 7th Legion is among the finest stuff that's been written for the RTS genre (which used to be known for it's great music at the time).

  • One of the true legends of video game music, with several decades worth of fantastic music, from the C64 era up to present day. There are a lot of gems from the C64, but my favorite would probably be the Populous music.

  • His music for C&C Tiberian Sun managed to even surpass Frank Klepacki's works for the franchise.

  • The Deus Ex soundtrack certainly stands out, but he's composed a lot of other great stuff too, for Unreal, Unreal Tournament, and a lot of great stuff for the demoscene.

  • Another fantastic musicians with roots in the demoscene. My favorite Kyd soundtracks would probably be Borderlands and Hitman: Codename 47.

  • Hellmarch is of course iconic of the Red Alert games, personally I preferred his music for the original C&C and Dune (especially the rearrangements for Dune 2000 and Emperor: Battle for Dune). Great stuff that game Westwood's games a very distinctive sound.

  • There's really no need to say much more than that he scored VVVVVV.

  • His music for the Dark Reign: Rise of the Shadowhand expansion pack (I'm not sure if he scored the original Dark Reign) is just fantastic stuff.