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2020 is almost over and I think the only 2020 release I played was the C&C remaster.

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Favorite games of 1993 (Retrospective)

At some point I hope to get around to making a top ten list of most of my favorite years of video games. While the retrospective aspect is kinda obvious when it comes to the 90s, I just thought it would be good to have some wording that distinguishes it from the Favorite games lists of 2009 and onwards, which I made in or shortly after the year in question, and will keep unchanged even if I come across better games from that year because I find it kinda interesting to see what games I actually liked the most at the time.

The retrospective lists will obviously be the games I still enjoy to some extent today.

1993 games I wish I had played:

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Yep, 1993 was an incredible year for games. I'm sure that more of my favourite games came out in '93 than any other year.

I've just been playing a bunch of MoO, it's nowhere near as good as MoO 2, but it's still reasonably enjoyable. Pro tip: start on Simple difficultly (and read the manual!). It can be pretty unforgiving.

Also, I should get around to checking out Shadow of the Comet (and Prisoner of Ice) now that they're on Gog.

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fisk0  Moderator

@beachthunder: Yeah, I'd say 1992-95 were all incredible years. I loved Master of Orion 2, but for some reason I don't think I've ever booted up MOO 1 despite owning it too.

Those Call of Chtulhu adventure games are really enjoyable. They're both pretty light weight as adventure games go, very few puzzles of any kind (though Prisoner of Ice starts off with a pretty hard quick time event-ish thing) so they're some of the few adventure games I've actually gotten around to finishing. Pretty good stories and great atmosphere in both.