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Owned and Played: Xbox

Xbox games I've owned and played through fully

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  • I don't even understand why this game is as entertaining to me as it is. I guess it's a guilty pleasure?

  • The game makes a great first impression and a sweet UI. However, there is a problem where the game gets rather repetitive as it goes on. It was more of a relief to stop playing rather than a big finish.


  • Tons of fun, and it always has been.


  • Great Marine Corps game. Honestly a little boring, and a little linear, but VERY tactical, and the most accurate sounding M-16's I've ever heard.


  • All of my yes. There was never a better FPS at the time, I'm not entirely sure their hasn't been a better one.


  • No where near as tactical as other SWAT games, but still a very good xbox shooter, and it was pretty fun. I got a bunch of achievements for headshots though... which isn't that great for police. Hey, what do you want? I had been playing Rainbow Six for years prior. Terrorists stick their heads out, that's what happens!


  • A crummy wrestling game, but it has a bunch of old characters in nice environments. I'm glad I have it.


  • Best WW2 shooter franchise.


  • 'MERICAH FPS. Lots of fire and guns and shooting and stuff. Kill terrorists, save firefighters. REAL heavy handed with the cliche'd patriotism. Still hella fun. Right up until dudes with duel wielding uzis start shooting at you. Eventually the game ends pretty much the same way it started. But hell, it's fun enough.


  • Legendary squad based resistance fighter game. Kind of arcadey shooter that just seemed to have a nice style and crazy action sequences. Real character progression for a shooter too. Totally under utilized multiplayer where each person can wield a squad of 12.


  • Play as the Arbiter.



  • To my knowledge, this is the best, most entertaining, most customizable, most elaborate, most in-depth arcade fighter that was ever made. I have ZERO issues with it. None.