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2016 Top 10 +

"A good year with many great games, but I found it surprisingly hard to find a true GOTY winner. Either because there were too many fighting for the spot, or because not 1 really stood out as a clear winner.

Overall an amazing year for Multiplayer and FPS games especially."

List items

  • Game of The Year 2016

    "A masterwork in video game design, some of the best graphics seen in a game with some of the best animations and amazing looking environments. Story however felt like it could have been much better though it does provide some great acting, fan-service moments and is ultimately a great sendoff to the series. Replayability is also hindered a bit by long walking/cinematic sections."

  • "Sporting a surprisingly good single player that never overstayed it's welcome, a great multiplayer mode that trumps that of this year's Call of Duty (imo) and any other fast paced multiplayer's of the year.

    Titanfall 2 is a very solid package that built on the foundation left by the first one."

  • "A very well done video game: quality character models/designs, sound design, user interface, graphics and animations. Could really have used a single player component to further flesh out the interesting characters and universe though, and more content at launch".

  • "A change in tone over the first one, Watch Dogs 2 is more fun, energetic, funny, brash but also a bit cringey at times. Still everything seemed to gel well enough that I bought this internet meme for the lulz world.

    I also enjoyed how the game tackled/exposed some serious real world issues. Nothing we didn't know before, but kind of surreal to see these satirized in a AAA game like this.

    Another personal favorite of mine is the Hacking Invasion activity, it's pretty much the best way to play hide and seek online in a game.

    It's a significant step above the first Watch Dogs and a great open world playground that feels lived in."

  • "Dishonored seems to keep being the answer whenever people crave a new thief game. Great level design, imaginative locations, good atmosphere and some surprises make Dishonored 2 a tasty and elegant treat for those hungry for some first person stealth.

    As a negative I'd say that the game played it a bit to safe and did not try to many new and interesting things too differentiate itself from the previous one."

  • "While I didn't play or enjoy it as much as Bloodborn, Dark Souls 3 is still a great atmospheric action RPG with some horror vibes as well.

    The world is foreboding, unrelenting and beautiful in a twisted and dark way.

    As always the challenge can feel off putting at times, but when you do manage to prevail it is one of the best feeling ever."

  • "One of the few games that provide a scratch for a very particular itch, on consoles especially, turned based strategy. Xcom 2 nails that effectively making it the king of the genera and a very special and unique game on consoles.

    I wish for more of these type of games in the future."

  • "At first I wasn't to keen on this entry of the series, but now I'm far more impressed by it and I really ended up enjoying it.

    Big points go to the setting (as well as the overall artistic direction), the massive battles, the amazing visuals and sound and also the support the game has gotten over the years (though I would have preferred if all the content was free of charge from the get go)

    Without the DLC it's a bit thin on content and the story mode didn't appeal to me from a gameplay perspective (never managed to finish it).

    Free DLC for all could have gone a long way to make this the best game in the series"

  • "Old school FPS with a modern coat of paint, Doom is that game that you always wanted but never got.

    And while I appreciate this existing and being as good as it is as well as laying a solid foundation for the future of the series, Doom didn't sweep me off my feet quit as much as other people.

    The game got too repetitive for me and I felt like by the time I saw all the regular enemies and had all the weapons, I just didn't care much about the ending and just pushed through because it had to be close.

    The multiplayer got better with time, especially when they gave all the DLC for free, and had a surprising amount of good time with it.

    It's damn good. Bring on the sequel I say"

  • " It does not outdo Shadow of the Colossus, but it does feel like a logical next step in the ICO trilogy. It clearly has more in common with ICO then Shadow of the Colossus, and that is alright. The game is flawed sporting some horrid camera movements, bugs, and some slightly more old fashioned controls. It's not a game for everybody, but for those of us who appreciated ICO and SotC, this is every bit as: emotional, smart, epic and ambitious as both of them, in it's own way.

    It's probably not worth the long wait that we had to endure, but then again few things are worth waiting for so long. Glad it came out and turned out to be great"

  • "It's easy for this to feels like the better looking yet less ambitious step brother of Human Revolution.

    However there is a lot of fun to be had with Mankind Divided, especially when it comes to the side content. Sadly it's all very easy to miss.

    You will have to explore and seek it out (seriously don't make my mistake and focus on the main story, go out of your way and explore every nook and cranny in Prague).

    I can't help but feel that if you did indeed like the first game you will undoubtedly feel a bit disappointed by this one, if you play it just for the main story that is."

  • "While still very formulaic and at times can feel like just a Far Cry 4 Stand Alone DLC, the fresh setting and small gameplay changes do enough to make Far Cry Primal stand out and, in my case at least, push it above it's predecessors.

    The stone age setting is great and needs to be explored some more in games. Primal does a great job of creating atmosphere by having all characters speak old languages as well as having a surprisingly underrated soundtrack."

  • "Very similar type of game to Destiny, just with a 3rd person cover shooter twist,The Division is a surprisingly competent and atmospheric Online Shooter RPG with a massive focus on Loot. It answers the age old question of how would a RPG look like if it were set in a modern setting, and the answer is kind of what we were expecting.

    It feels very inappropriate to shoot a dude in the head 1000 times before he goes down, or to have hoodies and jackets as gear. But this is the world of The Division, and once you get past that, it kind of all works well enough."

  • " Very rough initial experience that after a few tries (and updates) totally changed the way I viewed it. This is one of the most fun different new multiplayer games of the generation, a horror PvP game where you take on the role of either survivor of killer.

    The game is quite addicting once you start to understand it's gameplay loop, and I enjoyed playing both roles.

    This is a good example of a game I didn't know I wanted. It doesn't make the best first impression, but once you are more well acquainted it really starts to shine."

  • "There was a point while playing FFXV where I though that this is going to be one of the best games of the year and that I severely misjudged it before playing it.

    There is also a moment where all of those dreams came crashing down and I can actually remember this moment, it happened somewhere halfway though the game.

    FF XV is clearly an unfinished game, a game with a troubled development and a game that does not really know what it wants to be and it's there for everyone to see.

    There were moments that made me question why would someone approve this after testing it out, but then again this game has been in development for such a long time that the fact that it's out is miraculous in of itself.

    Final Fantasy XV could have been the best game of 2016 and the series return to greatness, in some alternate world probably. Here on Earth, it's a mere shadow of it's possible greatness."

  • "This is the definitive Hitman experience, the game I wished for after playing Blood Money. The episodic nature works well with this series, as long as we will keep seeing episodes of course.

    The sandbox levels are great fun to replay and just experiment around, though some are clearly better then others.

    Hopefully we will see more Hitman in the future, if season 2 is just as good or better then 1 then this will be one of the best stealth games out there".

  • "My most played game in 2016 and that's because of the game being Free and because of frequent updates that always lure me to check out what's new, for a match or 2 at least.

    This game came out a few years to late for me, I had already had my fill of MOBA titles, so much so that I now despise them.

    Paragon is ok though, still has much more to grow but it is that 3rd person MOBA that a console needed."

  • (Unfinished)

  • "One of my favorite single player campaigns in the series. Personally I didn't have a problem with the "call of duty in space" setting, in fact I liked it quite a bit and thought it was used well in the story.

    The Multiplayer however just felt like a direct port of Black Ops 3's but with less personality. It was fine but after Advanced Warfare and BLOPS 3 it felt like stagnation."

  • "A guilty pleasure, I genuinely like Battleborn and find it endearing and funny at times. It may not be as slick and well made as Overwatch but then again it's a fairly different game.

    It's sad to see that games like Paladins have had more success then this."

  • (Unfinished)

  • (Unfinished)

  • "Beautiful game, but very short. If you played Journey this won't feel like anything new."

  • " A satisfying revenge story that's very well acted and isn't afraid to show the more shameful side of late 60's America.

    Less satisfying and well executed is ,however, the gameplay side of things. The game is very repetitive and doesn't throw too many new things at the player to keep itself interesting for long.

    It took me a long time to actually sit down and finish this game because nothing in it's gameplay loop grabbed a hold of me. But looking past that, at times you can really see the glimer of a true gem hidden within."

  • "One of my favorite warrior's title thanks to the awesome Dragon Quest setting. This was my second Dragon quest themed game after the magnificent Journey of the cursed King, so I was quite nostalgic.

    Sadly the game got really frustrating later on thanks to increase in difficulty and some terrible checkpoints, got so angry I deleted the game instantly.

    But putting that aside, I enjoyed my time with it and would like to give it another try sometime."

  • (Unfinished)

    + Wang's humor has it's moments

    + Pretty big arsenal to choose from. Always had new weapons to try out.

    + Some weapons can look pretty cool

    + Pretty meaty, content wise.

    + Some Old School charm

    - Gunplay doesn't feel so great

    - Framerate isn't so hot for a game as fast as this

    - Trying to be more of a Looter-shooter, I feel, didn't do this game any favors.

    - Graphics look a bit dated

    - Some of the characters can be pretty annoying, including Wang at times.

  • (Unfinished)

  • (in progress)

  • (Unfinished)

  • "Another OK Telltale Game, but nothing to write home about. They really need to change their engine and stop putting out games so often and polish them more."

  • (Unfinished)

    "This game made Minecraft feel new and fun again, once again the Dragon Quest setting was such a surprisingly good fit and made me feel nostalgic for Dragon Quest VIII.

    Wish I played it more"

  • (Unfinished)

  • "A totally serviceable game, can provide a few hours of mindless fun thanks to the formula. However it is clear that a lot of the series passion and eye for detail has kind of dissipated making the game feel a bit low effort at times.

    Also I did not approve of the removal of the franchises memorable psycho boss fights. Graphics didn't impress either, but I did love the Christmas theme."

  • (Unfinished)

  • (Unfinished)

    "I had zero interest in this, but upon playing it I got a much better game then it had any right to be.

    The TBS combat, while not that bad, could have been better and faster."

  • (Unfinished)

    "Closest thing to a new WipeOut"

  • (Unfinished)

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  • (Unfinished)

  • (Unfinished)

  • (Unfinished)

  • (Unfinished)

  • (Unfinished)

  • (Unfinished)

  • (Unfinished)

  • (Unfinished)

  • (Unfinished)

  • (Unfinished)

  • (Unfinished)

  • (in progress)

  • (in progress)

  • (Still need to play)

  • (Unfinished)

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  • (in progress)