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NamCompendium: Intellivision Ports RANKED

The Mattel Intellivision received three Namco ports via AtariSoft, though two of them were cleaned up by Realtime Associates/INTV and released years after they would have been relevant. Here's how they stack up, definitively!

List items

  • The ugliest home version of Pole Position by a mile, even including the 2600 port, but has a sense of speed and the best sound out of these three games.

  • Slower than the 5200 Pac-Man and with worse sound, but still very playable.

  • (Developed by AtariSoft and Realtime Associates) Basically the 5200 version of Dig Dug, but with a more alien controller and packaged with a weird homebrew clone of TRON Deadly Disks with hot dog sprites.