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NamCompendium: Game Gear RANKED

Namco game a shit about Sega's hand held console for a brief period, more or less at the tail end of their "fuck Nintendo" period. Then the releases dried up. Let's dig through these ruins to find out what's worth playing almost thirty years later.

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  • Utilizes a similar layout and sprites to the Famicom port (five floors instead of the arcade six), Mappy is less hampered by its horizontal scrolling than Pac-Man as the arcade version also relied on scrolling. It also includes a completely unique mode, "Challenge of the Ancestors", which plays out on larger maps with Sharp X68000 PCs to collect.

  • A scrolling field of view, but one that borrows more from the Tengen iteration (seeing about 60% of the maze, only scrolling vertically) than the Namco Game Boy iteration (seeing about 40% of a corner of the maze and scrolling in all directions). Sprites are redrawn tastefully, sound is alright. Not bad for their first outing on the platform.

  • Either this or the Game Boy version was the first Namco-developed port of Ms. Pac-Man. Sprites are redrawn and sounds changed from the similar Pac-Man, but the maze walls have crummy looking drop shading and the whole thing winds up looking more bootleg than the unlicensed Tengen Ms. Pac-Man for the NES.