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Pretty busy for the last few months at work. Running this hard has been a test 4 my Endurance, but at least I can fall back on thi...

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Best Games I Played in 2018

Going to be more flexible and include things I've not beaten yet on here for the first time. My joy should't require qualification, and my intention here is to share things that brought me joy in this messy ass year.

List items

  • Fuck man, where do I even start with this thing? It's a technical marvel. It's a thoughtfully streamlined Japanese role playing game that cribs its combat mechanics from MOTHERFUCKING SPACE HARRIER MY DUDE. It has a soundtrack that reads like a prelude to stuff like NieR: Automata. It has an unmatched design aesthetic, one particular to this series of games, and everything looks and feels delightfully alien.

    It's honestly easier to list the two blemishes I've encountered with this game:

    1. I think Edge has a shitty haircut.

    2. There's a South Park joke in here, because it was 1998.

    Otherwise, while I would hesitate to say it's worth the going market price, this is basically a game made for me and it was worth what I paid (loose) to experience for myself.

  • Eight directional Galaga with horizontal and vertical scrolling. A sublime balance of easy entry level play with enough "verbs" to keep a player on their toes. The arcade original is great, but the Sharp X68000 port by Denpa is one of the best games on the platform and well worth your time.

  • Holy shit this is so much better than DOOM. First of all, you ain't looking for any goddamn keys in this game. There's some "find thing to move on" in here, sure, but there's so much more. God, seriously, there are people who like DOOM '16 more than this? Really??? Did they SEE Effect and Cause? Have they played this goodass multiplayer? Fuck man. Titanfall 2 rules so much.