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Eder's Top 20 games of Generation VII

Here it is. The most subjective and crazy kind of list you can make. It's been a really long generation of video game consoles. Finally the new generation has come and its time to look back. At first things started a little slow like most console releases. Slowly things changed so much that when you turn on your PS2 or OG Xbox now its as primitive as all hell.

Now with this list of course I will consider Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii games. For handhelds we have the DS and the PSP. Last but not least is PC games. I don't count compilations or remakes of specific games. Inspiration is one thing but making the same game again with better graphics just doesn't count.

This list is not complete of course even though I will post it and will continue to update it as much as I can in the next few days. Anything can change, get removed or even added.

List items

  • I have never played any other MOBA other than this and DOTA 2. That is only because of the origins of this game. Since my first PAX I was introduced to this game and I was hooked from the start.

    I love learning new things like last hitting and just getting to know all the characters you can play as. The methodical pace of the normal 5v5 matches is very satisfying. Lots of great moments of this game also come from when you have a coordinated team that successfully just dominates the other. Every team member is important and must contribute to the team or things just go sour for the team.

    The one thing that holds this game is the community. When it's meeting people at PAX and seeing the eSports matches everyone is civil. In the game people just turn into the most vile scumbags and call out your every mistake.

    Still I honestly haven't stopped playing ever since. I play at home, when I'm on vacation and even at work.

    The eSports scene is just as crazy as it gets. Watching the pro players and the plays is just spectacular.

    The #1 pick on this list was easy as I am terribly obsessed with this game and my friends know this.

    Besides just gushing over this game and going over why I love it so much I will acknowledge how important this game is to this generation. The free to play model of distributing games is made very popular by this game. It also introduced me to the eSports scene since all I knew of it was that some Koreans played Starcraft and it was crazy.

    League of Legends is so much more than I can explain in just a few paragraphs. It's a game that has defined this generation and will be a template for things to come in the next generation.

  • Something very special to me defined this generation. It didn't come right away and this game was not the first to do it. The nostalgia we have for the Golden Age of games defined a big part of this generation and no other game came closer to that than Super Meat Boy.

    2D platforming has always been ruled by the classics like Mario, Sonic or Megaman just to name a few. SMB... (Holy crap I just realized that you won't know if I meant Super Mario Bros. or Super Meat Boy!). Anyways Super Meat Boy can proudly stand next to those classics we hold dear. In some cases it surpasses those games that in was inspired by.

  • Gears of War is the final piece of what I would call the Triforce or Trifecta of this generation. These pieces are: Shooters, Nostalia and MOBAs.

    Playing this game for the first time made me say: "OK we are now officially in the next generation of games". I had never seen or played anything like it. The graphics just blew my mind. This was just impossible in the previous generation of consoles.

  • Mass Effect just keeps blowing my mind every time I think about it. I'll never forget the first time you have the conversation with The Reaper Sovereign. It was a chilling experience. I felt as if that were really happening. It just felt so real. The immersion this game has is just so great and really is a testament to great storytelling. I know the sequels refined the combat but it was the first game that really nailed the story perfectly.

  • While the shooting and platforming were not as refined as more focused experiences, Uncharted 2 managed to make a great game out of combining these elements. It truly is an action adventure game with a great cast of characters and awesome moments that are just like watching an action movie.

  • What can I say that hasn't been said about this one. It's been praised enough already. Though it isn't fair to just say "Yo, its Mario and its dope". In that case this whole list should just be all the "NEW" Super Mario Bros. games.

    What Mario Galaxy brought was a sense of epic adventure that no Mario game before it had been. In Mario 64 Bowser took over the castle. Sure that is evil and all. Then in Mario Sunshine Bowser messes Mario and Peach's vacation. But in this one Bowser wants to reshape space and time and take over all of EXISTENCE. The game plays great to!

  • I have no idea how this game is as popular as it is. You die a LOT in this game. You bang your head against the wall so much but when you finally overcome a hard enemy you feel like you are on the moon. I really like how its so cryptic and shares little to no information about its systems and mechanics. This gets you to talk about it with friends and share experiences. If you look up a guide on the internet it just ruins the experience. Buying a strategy guide is a little more excusable.

  • I didn't think this game would have made it on the list to be honest. I do like Melee better but the fan service in Brawl is just insane. Playing this with a group of friends is still so much fun. That group has always been the same and we just keep on playing. We can go on for hours and we just lose track of time.

  • A fine example of action, style and one badass female character in video games.

  • The best cooperative experience of this generation.

  • The game that introduced me to Rougelike games. I kept looking for a way to save my game all the time. The story is amazing and I spent a lot of hours deep in the dark bowels of this game.

  • Just like the Genesis game, this game brings new ideas and mechanics to the Contra series.

  • A refreshing setting for a video game. The ending truly blew my mind.

  • Outstanding platforming and visuals that really embody what I imagined games would look like in the future when I was playing Super Nintendo.

  • Set a new standard for open world games that take themselves too seriously.

  • You could put the first game here as well but I played the second one first. In any case Batman Arkham City is so much fun. Exploring and fighting in this game truly makes you feel like Batman.

  • Where to begin with this game. I loved Phantasy Star Online on the Dreamcast. I know this has almost nothing to do with that game. Thats just it, this game is not called Phantasy Star Online 2 (Wish that game came out in English).

    The battle system is more action oriented than PSO. You have all the races of PSO and a new one called Beasts. Weapons and Attributes level up as you use them against enemies awarding you with new combination of attacks. The three basic classes are back as well but this time you can change your class to a more hybrid type and there are a LOT of them. The customization in this game is really deep and engaging.

  • No More Heroes really showed the world how to make motion controls work in a game and make it fun as well. The story is crazy as hell and the characters are very intriguing.

  • This is the best Dragon Ball Z game ever made. The combat could have been a bit more refined but the power fantasy that this game provides is epic.