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Car-Combat Games I Have Played (RANKED)

I love car-combat games and here are my ranked favs.

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  • Best, no question in my mind. Could still sit down right now and perform all the moves as if I had played it yesterday despite the fact that it's been about 10 years since I played it regularly.

  • Doesn't stand up to the test of time as well as I would hope but still a great game and gets a high rank due to the nostalgia factor.

  • I solid (even better in some ways) sequel to a classic game.

  • Could have been AMAZING, and in some ways was. Sadly, the successes were overshadowed by the size of the failures (ex: the skis on a motorcycle gaff). Definitely a game that could have majorly benefited from today's all together common downloadable game patch.

  • A faint shadow of the original. Not horrible, but definitely boring.

  • Horrible. I don't even want to think about how many ways this let me down.