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Bottom 100 Games of the Year

The unfortunate ones. From least bad to most bad. Ok some aren't bad, they're just not amazing or significant, but they might do something basic just fine (like microsoft solitaire).

I probably won't get to 100. I mean, I hope I don't.

List items

  • Played a couple hours on gamepass and didn't return. This game is all about its pixel art and lore dumps, not about gameplay. It's basically doing the Tron thing of having a world and society inside the computer, complete with its own religions. The problem is it just keeps piling on lore that isn't really very interesting, without spacing it out with enough gameplay. The metroidvania aspect seems pretty thin and the combat feels pretty sloppy. Again, it's prioritizing nice animations over snappy control, style over substance. It's too bad because it has some nice pixel art, and the worldbuilding could be good if it was more sparse. I was really waiting for the game part to open up, but after completing a couple worlds it generally appears pretty linear.

  • Tried the first few chapters on gamepass, and it's alright for a bit. Definitely a strange mix of old and new, humourous and well... serious. For some reason there are story beats, often with pretty lame humour. The shooting seemed alright until I realized it would be the same issues I usually have with serious sam, which is they don't make it very fun to shoot hordes of enemies. Backing up and shooting and spinning around while you're surrounded is not very fun for me. Just a weird blend of mediocre elements, and it doesn't run that well on my pc for something that doesn't look spectacular, but I guess they want to get a lot of enemies on screen.

  • What a shame. This could be great when or if it gets some fixes. It's basically a chill exploration game heavily inspired by Breath of the Wild, but with a unique art style taken from comics. I was so ready for this at the time, and I did enjoy it for an hour or two. But for a chill game that's about taking in the landscapes, the performance is dog shit. It really ruins the aesthetic that roaming around on your jetbike is a janky, framey hitchfest. And yes, it seems to happen regardless of console or computer gear. Even if it ran better, riding the jetbike feels floaty, glitchy and bad for something that is supposed to be a major draw of the experience. On foot stuff indoors is a lot better, and if the whole thing ran that well I think it do a lot. The other thing is that it had some ridiculous bugs in the menus. Apparently windowed full screen runs worse but I can't change the option because of this. Hilariously bad. I've also heard there are other common bugs in the game, so I decided to stop playing this for now.

    The only consolation is that this is a gamepass game so I didn't spend extra money on it. I sincerely hope it gets some fixes and becomes what it can be, since it would probably be a good way up my list otherwise. Possibly my most disappointing game of the year that I actually played.

  • Picked it up on the cheap to tide me over till the next Forza Horizon comes out, and it's alright. So far with default assists on it has a pretty forgiving but enjoyable driving model. However, I haven't found the best way to tune the difficulty and so far it's been pretty easy, maybe too much. Nothing much to say, just some good casual driving fun with a good variety of vehicle types.

    Haven't played this after my first sitting. Really very bland and the difficulty did not work well for me.

  • This sure is a co-op shooting game. One of those gamepass games you might as well try. Except it had matchmaking that didn't work when I played it. Played with some bots and it was okay, but will it really be worth returning when matchmaking is fixed?

  • Free student game that is a decent 40 minutes. Hell, I would have been happy to make this in school.

  • Seemed like a decent metroidvania from the little I played, though the 1 bit style can be a bit hard to parse. Makes the environments a bit less interesting as well, especially since even the original Metroid had a bit more going on visually.

  • I was curious about this one after seeing a youtube video that deconstructed its game design and praised some of its innovations. It does have some interesting design elements but in terms of actually playing it, it just feels like a decent puzzle platformer. Didn't really feel compelled to keep playing. A reminder that good youtube videos can sometimes convince me that something will be better than it is.

  • Checked it out right after Duke Nukem, but this one is real rough. Kind of surprising how bad it is even though it has a bit of a reputation for not holding up. The major problem is the level design. You'll get hung up trying to find nigh invisible keys, and some means of progressing are so opaque they should be secret areas instead. The gunplay is decent, though the shotgun has some strange hit detection. Unfortunately, once I realized I was gonna have to keep a walkthrough open to get through, I lost interest.

    It's a shame because some of the hillbilly vibes are kinda fun. Some of the music is decent too, but with only a few tracks on loop they get old real fast when you're stuck in a level for half an hour trying to figure out where to go. Especially the one that sounds like it was recorded by someone who stormed the U.S. Capitol building. A little too close to the real redneck rampage.

    I guess if this is considered one of the top 4 build engine games there just weren't many good ones. Redneck Rampage shouldn't even be considered in the same discussion as Blood, Duke Nukem 3D, or Shadow Warrior, that's for sure.

  • Pretty thin even for the $5 price. Warioware and pachinko are two great things that could combine really well, but this feels like more of a baseline idea than anything more. Minigames became tiresome before I unlocked them all.

  • Hard time getting into this. I think without an interesting story and nice graphics pulling me along it's hard to get into the standard JRPG combat.

  • Interesting to mess around with. Sorta made me hanker for an old school jrpg.

    Also tried playing an rpgmaker game in progress, Legend of Driftwood, made by someone who posts good youtube tutorials. Unforunately, all it showed me was that maybe I won't actually enjoy standard RPG maker games.

  • Decent old school shooter from a few levels I played. Thought I would enjoy more based on a youtube review, but maybe it's just a bit too old for me. I don't have nostalgia for pc shooters of this era to help me out.

  • I bought this thinking about Doom, stupidly not realizing this was a Wolfenstein 3D engine game. Well, it's Wolfenstein 3D on crack. In fact this was originally planned as a sequel to that but lost the license so they wouldn't compete with Doom. And it's got all the problems of Wolfenstein, like huge monotonous maze-like levels and stupid push-block puzzles. I found those charming in Wolfenstein in their simplicity, but this one just throws the kitchen sink at it with all sorts of platforms, bounce pads, power ups and explosive weapons. It's novel for a bit but the level design and sameyness became a problem. What this does show is how special Doom was in comparison.

    Then the game crashed at what I think may have been a boss fight. Technically I was playing in some Linux source port with support for windows which may have been the culprit. In general it didn't run very well, and even introduced some strange lag on my computer until I switched screens, so I wouldn't recommend it. Perhaps I shouldn't have followed a guide posted to some random Steam group. But I've also heard the game has problems with quick saves in general. At that point I decided it wasn't worth my time. On the plus side, since I played in a source port I was able to get a Steam refund because it didn't register on my play time. Winning.

  • Meh.

  • Gamepass. Bad physics platformer adventure thing. It controls about as sluggish as you would expect a fish rolling a bowl to be, but that's not good.

  • It's ok, only played a couple a couple missions.

  • Kinda boring gamepass game with lame humour. Interesting idea though.

  • Itch bundle. Cute concept, needs more meat on the bone. I want more cat meat is what I'm saying.

  • I tried replaying this but just didn't enjoy it the second time. Just felt way too scripted next to CoD 2. First time I played it a couple years ago I enjoyed it, at least.

  • First few missions were fun, but had some issues on my computer. After every mission or two the framerate starts dipping for some unknown reason that doesn't seem to be a memory leak, and I don't feel like figuring it out. Right now.

  • Gamepass. Another game where the performance is dog shit for no reason. On PC it feels like the framerate is low even when it is high and stable. Apparently it has some weird ass integrated graphics options that possibly do this. Why? Maybe sometime I'll try to figure it out, or I'll play it on xbox.

  • From the itch charity bundle. It's Sonic. I didn't realize it was Sonic. I don't like Sonic. Though this is pretty good for Sonic. Unfortunately, it's still Sonic.

  • Itch bundle. Cool idea but too much pop psychology and soul searching for my taste.

  • Now what could this be? It's solitaire and it works. It has the animation at the end. We're good.

  • Gamepass. Looked like it had some promise with some nice graphics and decent humour, but it quickly devolves into very sloppy action platforming, with barely legible attacks that are difficult to dodge. I probably only tried this because it had a goose in it, anyway.

  • Played the demo of this. No tutorial so didn't understand some stuff, and the combat seemed a bit weird and sloppy. If I end up playing this it'll probably be because I was such a fan of the Madness series on Newgrounds back in the day. But doesn't seem great.

  • I was interested in trying this for free but it turns out it only includes single player? I mean the whole point of this game is to race other people's ghosts in real time. I guess I could pay $13 for a year but I wish there was at least some basic multiplayer functionality to try out free. I raced on a few single player tracks but didn't see the point.

  • Your average stream bait. Nigh impossible physics obstacle course.

  • Weird game for obsessive compulsives that didn't really grab me... oddly enough.

  • Itch bundle. It's a very basic platformer, and you play as a radish. So there's that.

  • Played the remastered edition. I hated it as a kid, and it turns out I still hate it now. I think I just hate any game that basically requires a guide... or wandering around forever to figure things out.

  • I generally don't like competitive multiplayer games but this was free and looked adorable. Played for about 20 minutes and confirmed I don't wanna play shooters with other people. Personally I find it too stressful for what I want out of video games, but that's just me and my anxiety. Nothing really against this game.

  • Picked it up since it's less than 2 dollars, wanted to try it just as something to mess around with when I was feeling tired, but it's a bit more involved with some rpg stuff than expected. It didn't feel great or run very well so doubt I'll check it out again.

  • Acquired free I think. Fired this up for a few minutes, just not into it. Controls didn't feel good, world seemed pretty bland. To be fair, I may not have been in the right headspace for it.

  • Itch bundle. Thought this would be an interesting puzzle, I like the concept of sleuthing through someone's phone. But I was immediately put off the tone of the game. Seemed a little too touchy feely for what I want.

  • It's weird and pretty unwieldy. Which is the point I guess... but I just didn't enjoy it. Points for an interesting concept at least.

  • Got it in some bundle. I can't deal with Atari games. No nostalgia. My favourite part is when the ball in super breakout can't even rebound off of more than one block. Super primitive... but it's a part of our history. Well, not mine, because this was around way before me.

  • Ok I put this here because I played a stupid free steam game called Banana Hell. It's bad, don't play it. But it is an interesting part of the phenomenon of "Getting Over It"-like games. You can put very little effort and make a shitty, annoying and difficult platformer, sprinkle some lame comedy in and bingo. You have yourself a video game. I guess.