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Holiday 2013 - Backlog Pile o' Shame

Game of the Year is almost upon us! While I pretty much know what is going to take top prize, I still got a bunch of games to go through until I can deem it final! I got a big break between school terms coming up, so I'm thinking about doing a lot of catching up, playing games like....

15/12/2013 - Update!

8/2/2014 - Updated Again!

List items

  • I bought it forever ago, but haven't really been in the mood to play it.

  • Part of me wants to wait to play it on PS4. Part of me needs to play this now.

  • Forgot to add this game originally. Played a bit of it. Hella interesting concept, but a little rough around the edges.

  • It's more of a series I love, even if it hasn't been the best lately.

  • I love a good beat-em-up. Waiting to get that Vita.

    Edit: Played a little co-op. Think I'd prefer single player...

  • How did I forget this?

  • This looks to be the right amount of stupid fun to make a stealth game work.

    Final Update: Gunpoint is fuuuuuuuun, but I don't think I NEED to finish this to make my Game of the Year list.

  • I have failed you, my dark lord Luigi. I have failed you, in this holiest of years...

  • ...In this, the Year of Luigi, I have brought shame upon my household.

  • Did anyone remember this came out this year? Anyone? Pandora's Tower? Wii games? Anyone?

  • Haven't touched the series yet and hoping the earlier titles will convince me to jump into 4.

  • How did I forget this?

  • I just need a good day to sit down and blast through this game.

    Edit: Sorry, not gonna get around to it.

  • I'm like a healthy chunk of the way through this game, but it is massive.

    Update: Enjoying the more I play it. Been running around lost a bit too much though.

  • I've played like 10 minutes of this game. Why does everyone look like they're made of plastic? It weirds me out.

  • This game seems incredibly charming and unique. I'll probably love it.

    Edit: Complete!

  • Somehow, I think I'll pass the #TenGamesBetterThanBrothers test, but we'll see.

    Update: Played about an hour and a half of brothers, which I guess is about half the game? I wasn't exactly impressed? Hopefully it gets better, but I doubt it. My main issues are with the fundamental gameplay and storytelling elements of the game, not really the moment-to-moment experience (It's had some fantastic moments so far, actually).

    Update 2: I'm enjoying MOMENTS of Brothers, but not exactly the core of the game itself.

    Final Update: Passed the "Ten Games Better Than Brothers" challenge with flying colours.

  • The founder of the Memetroidvania genre. Waiting to get that Vita.

    Edit: Complete!

  • I loved ZHP. It was fantastic. I've heard disappointing things about this, but I still want to check it out.

    Update: Popped it in. Let's see how this goes.

    Final Update: It's okay, but it's no ZHP.

  • Might as well add this. Almost finished it (have all the badges), but I need to make that final push to beat the Elite 4.

    Final Edit: I really don't need to play more of this to decide its merits.


    Update: Love it! But I need to have some proper 4 Player experience.

    Update: Got that 4 player experience. Love it!

  • I backed this game and I don't remember why. I do like Strategy RPG games though.

    Edit: Complete!

  • More indie metroidvanias to play. This one looks a little rough, but maybe it will surprise me?

    Final Update: NOPE.

  • I've become a pretty decent fan of this series in the past few years. Been hearing good things about this entry. Just waiting on that Vita.

    Edit: Got a Vita and this game. Still have to sit down and play some of it though....

    Edit: OHhhhh noooooooo... this game's reallllly goooooooddddd. Now my whole GotY list is in turmoil again.

    Edit: Finished. Excellent.