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A Perfect World's SNES Classic Game List

The Rumour Come Out!

The NES Classic is dead and the SNES classic might just be the next mini-console pushed out by Nintendo and killed by lack of units.

Here's the 30 games (in line with the 30 in the NES Classic) that would be my version of a perfect list.

List items

  • Chance of Inclusion: Medium

    Best game on the console that has made its way onto the Virtual Console before, but might just be too good of a game to make the official list.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Very High

    The only good game in the trilogy. I fully expect all three to get on the list, but, hey, I can dream that two other, better games make the list, can't I?

  • Chance of Inclusion: Low

    EB finally coming to Wii U Virtual Console was a big event. That's why I don't think it will be included. It'll be a big event when it comes to Switch too, so Nintendo doesn't want to give it away in a package deal.

    Still, it deserves this spot, even if it makes the list a little JRPG heavy.

  • Chance of Inclusion: High

    The most likely of the Squaresoft classics.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Medium

    Again, we've seen Square port this to everything under the sun, but I just get the feeling that it's too good/late of a game to include in the official list.

  • Chance of Inclusion: High

    I feel like this game is synonymous with SNES for some people and its one of the best of its kind to put on the list.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Very High

    I mostly just put this on here because I don't see a possibility of A) Nintendo not putting it on or B) People not getting mad if Nintendo doesn't put it on. It hasn't aged at all, but people still expect it.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Very Low

    This would require Natsume to be talking to Marvelous and that is NOT gonna happen.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Very High

    A shoe-in and also a fantastic game? You can see why the SNES list is going to be a lot better than the NES one already.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Low

    I think Nintendo forgot this game existed.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Low

    I think Nintendo will just say "hey, it's Super Star!" and hope everyone forgets this excellent game also existed.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Very High

    No reality exists where this isn't on the list.

  • Chance of Inclusion: High

    Capcom loves selling their games again and I don't see why they would pass this up.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Low

    I feel it'll get squeezed out for something like Earthworm Jim or something, despite it being just as good as the first game.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Very Low

    Too many legal hurdles, but it's an essential game from the era.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Medium

    Only shooter on the list, but the best the system has to offer.

  • Chances of Inclusion: Low

    I think Nintendo would love to sell two extra controllers to people, but I don't think they will produce the number of controllers needed to actually sell em.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Very Low

    Who owns this now? I think it's split between like twelve companies. I know EA owns the rights to the series as a whole, but I feel they want to distance themselves from the SimCity name after that last game.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Very High

    Like F-Zero: It hasn't aged well, there's no way it's not included, and people would riot if it wasn't. At least you get to enjoy the first stage and then stop when the first person stuff kicks in.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Low

    Fuck Konami.

  • Chance of Inclusion: High

    Another Capcom classic to resell.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Low/Very High

    Do I think they both will make the list? Yes. No doubt. Will this cartridge combo of the two be included? It should, just because it's one more game on the list, but I think they'll pad the list by making them separate.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Very High

    You need a game to sell two controllers to the 10 people who actually can buy these things. It may not compare favourably to newer games in the series (especially MK8), but people would freak out to see it back.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Medium

    I feel Nintendo would want to, but Square is so weird about their properties, especially those they only partially own.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Very Low

    The emulation for this is extremely hard.

  • Chance of Inclusion: High

    I feel the western audience would be shocked if it wasn't included, but Nintendo of Japan hates this series so much that maybe it'll slip.

    Obviously a classic that deserves inclusion.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Very High

    Another quality shoe-in. People always think of the original, but this much improved game doesn't need Mike Tyson to sell it.

  • Chance of Inclusion: Medium

    Street Fighter will be included. There is no doubt in my mind. But which version makes it in is the question. The furthest version in the SFII timeline to get a SNES version, it would be the right game to include, but World Warriors or Hyper Fighting might make it instead.

    It's just too bad there is no Super Turbo on SNES.

  • Chance of Inclusion: High

    Any collection like this needs a decent puzzle game and Tetris Attack is the best fit on the SNES.

  • Chance of Inclusion: No Chance In Hell



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Edited By DevourerOfTime

A review of my predictions:

  • 21 Games instead of 30, though the addition of Star Fox 2, which Nintendo has never really acknowledged as being done, was so out of left field that it never even crossed my mind.
  • So if you trim the list of ten games, that means no Final Fantasy IV, no Turtles in Time, no Tetris Attack, no Simcity, no NBA Jam, no R-Type, no MMX2, no Harvest Moon, no Dream Land 3, and no Final Fight 2. Honestly, if I had to choose ten games to cut, I would probably cut most of those (except keep FFIV, Harvest Moon, and Dream Land 3 in exchange for F-Zero, Star Fox, and Super Mario Kart).
  • DKC 1 instead of 2, because of course they would grab the inferior-but-more-well-known one.
  • No All-Stars at all, which was surprising. We're getting Super Mario World, of course, but figured they would have included All-stars as another title.
  • An inferior version of Street Fighter II, though I guess they want to make way for the Switch game? Or something?
  • Contra made it on the list, a game I'm not overly fond of but somehow is synonymous with that console. Yeah, because that was a better choice than Chrono Trigger...
  • And, other than that, I hit the other 16 out of the park. Which is not that hard when a lot of those were gimmes.