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My top ten pre- PS2/XBOX/GameCube titles

Lots of great games over the years but I'll try to narrow them down to my top-ten. 

List items

  • My number 2 game for the Genesis. This game needs to be remade for current gen systems...Bioware would rock this title!

  • I spent the better part of a summer playing this game and loving the hell out of it on my c64. One of my fondest memories of early gaming.

  • My number one game for the Genesis. Got a lot of mileage out of this cartridge.

  • I played this game longer than probably any other game in my entire life. Again, on the c64 and it was the most epic experience I'd ever had.

  • Solidly rounds out my top five Genesis games. Excellent gameplay and loved the pack-in map that you actually needed to use.

  • This is the only Metal Gear in the series I really enjoyed. The rest just didn't grab me like this one did.

  • Loved this game on the Sega Genesis.

  • For some reason this game really grabbed me on PS1.

  • The game I got my first 'achievement' in. Took a Polaroid snapshot of my end screen and sent it in for my patch. Good times!

  • This was an excellent game on the c64. The only one I could get my whole family to play at the time. Kind of an early version of Civ in a weird way.