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My favorite games of all time

Special spot in my heart for these games. This list is very hard to make because I am compelled to list every game I've ever really, really enjoyed. But these games go beyond just pure enjoyment. These games I can pick up and play any time and still have a blast with and have forever shaped my tastes as a gamer. Shoutout to the Atari 2600, Intellivision, NES, and the golden age of arcades: You were a bit before my time. I have played many and really dig some of those games but none of them make this list. This starts in the SNES/90s PC era. In random order:

List items

  • When I was quite young, we always had Macintoshes as the home computers, so I missed out on a lot of PC Gaming during that period. Warcraft II was one of the only big-name PC games that also came out for Mac, so I ate it right up. Firmly established the RTS genre into my brain.

  • For some reason I could never afford to buy it, so I rented it over and over and over again until I finished it. One of my favorite RPGs of all time.

  • I used to play this on school computers. I was obsessed with it, and it firmly established a love for simulation/strategy games.

  • Countless hours of multiplayer fun with family and friends. Priceless.

  • I was one of the 1000 chosen closed beta testers for this game so automatically I loved it. Hours upon hours upon hours sunk into it enjoying every last second.

  • Compelling and unique design, something about this game always sticks out in my head. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I love it either way.

  • De facto favorite RPG of all time. My brother got it for Christmas but I ended up playing it more than he did. Firmly established the jRPG as my favorite genre at the time. Nothing else came close.

  • Sank more time exploring this game than almost any other on the list. My number 1 Zelda game of all time by a long shot.

  • Playing this co-op made the game. I had never played a jRPG that had real-time combat and I loved it.

  • Debated whether or not to put this on the list, but decided it had to be. I don't think I will ever play a casual game as addictive and fun as this.

  • Haunting and wonderful. This game was like a turning point for me, into more mature and difficult video games.

  • I spent a lot of time in the backseat of cars on long trips. I probably beat this game 100 times. Love it.

  • I cannot find an entry for Gemstone III, so I added Simutronics, the developer, instead. Gemstone III was my first foray into the world of online RPGs. It was text based, but still compelled my young self to play, which is an amazing feat. I wish I still had that kind of imagination!

  • My first 3D console game and the reason I bought an N64. Groundbreaking. Gaming was never the same again for me after playing this. Hundreds upon hundreds of hours sunk into this world.

  • First introduction to the jRPG genre. As a young kid, the characters really struck a chord with me and I still love them to this day, even if the game itself is very outdated.

  • I am still waiting for a modern re-imagining of this game. Truly unique design: one half strategic world building, one half side-scrolling action. Amazing soundtrack.

  • Countless hours of multiplayer fun with family and friends. Priceless.

  • Due to the mod Action Quake 2, which isn't specifically listed on the site. Action Quake 2 was the first online shooter I really got into. Joined a competitive clan (which is still around to this day!) and everything. Wonderful, wonderful mod.

  • When I thought I was getting tired of jRPGs, I popped this in and I was blown away. Everything that was missing from modern jRPGs at the time I found in Suikoden II.

  • And all expansions. Sunk a solid 3 years doing nothing but playing this. Awful addiction but the experience while wrapped up in it was second to none. I will never get into a MMORPG ever again like I did with this game. This was my "That One MMORPG You Played Too Much Of; Never Again."

  • The sense of atmosphere and graphics were second to none at the time, and unlike anything I'd ever imagined possible. CD-ROMs man! Sunk so many hours doing nothing but exploring the world.

  • In-fucking-credible how they captured the Super Metroid feel in a first person game. Ended up being my favorite game of that generation.

  • Perhaps my Favorite Game Of All Time, if someone were to ask. The conspiracy storyline, the open gameplay, everything, was magical.

  • I had always been interested and tinkered a bit with WRPGs of this style, such as Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate, but none of them clicked with me like Planescape. Planescape is the only game from that era that I actually wanted to finish.

  • Half-Life was the first game I bought following my transition from Macs to PCs. It was a good introduction, to say the least. The single player was unlike anything I had ever played, and the multiplayer ate up countless more hours.

  • It took me til 2009 before finally jumping head first into the current generation of consoles (mostly due to Final Fantasy XI and DotA). Assassin's Creed II was the first game I played and it was so far beyond anything I was expecting. The quality and depth of the production values absolutely blew me away. One of my favorite soundtracks of all time too.

  • My second foray into the world of competitive online shooters, after Action Quake 2. More fun clan times. I kind of lost track of this game after the Source version came out, but I still play now and again.

  • I didn't play this competitively, but godDAMN this was one amazing, unique, fun online shooter.

  • There is no entry for the original DotA, so I put this here instead. DotA 1 is (well, was) so unique it created its own genre. Perfectly balanced and provided constant updates. Once you got good at it, it was an unbelievably satisfying game.

  • Brought the WRPG to a level I had never thought possible. The scope of the world and back-story, the characters, the art...amazing, and will always stick with me.

  • Yup, DOOM. First FPS, first "mature" game. Played it on my friend's Dad's old computer. He used to kick us off so he could play it too!

  • This was the first game I had ever played that literally *scared* me. I couldn't play it at night, too freaked out, but I never wanted to stop. This was a darker, more gruesome video game, unlike the Mario and Zelda games I had been playing so much of at similar times.

  • An amazing departure for the series and the culmination of so much genius that I fear we'll never see out of Square ever again. Incredible world and music, with a fantastic, unique combat system. Fights with 6 for my favorite in the series.

  • I can pick up this game today and still remember every single nook and cranny, the order to attack the bosses and where everything is. That's more a testament to incredible design than anything else. Absolutely wonderful, even today.

  • All original Exile games are implied here. I spent countless hours exploring their worlds as a Mac-only gamer in my youth, with limited options available. Great to see Spiderweb Software still kickin' today and still making what they love to make.

  • Spent lots of time with this one as a very young kid. It came with a level editor which was my earliest foray into design.