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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

OK. I think this is finalized.

Unordered Honorable Mentions:

MASSIVE CHALICE - From the two games I played of it, it was really good despite being very incomplete. It didn't really feel incomplete just unpolished. I would be surprised if it did not make my GOTY list next year.

2048 - I play a lot of this game. Probably more than any other game this year. I enjoyed it more than Threes and come back to it frequently. This is especially true once I realized how to play it well. Now I'm sure there are people who can break it easily, but I'm glad of my skill level and find the game to be a nice refreshing experience whenever I want to focus on something else for while.

Nidhogg - I didn't play enough of this game to put it on the main list, but whenever I did I really enjoyed myself. It's great.

Shovel Knight - There was a lot of Shovel Knight that I didn't like enough to put on the main list. Namely how so much of the level design relied on instant death traps. However I enjoyed the boss encounters, the music, the graphics, and world enough that I think it should be at least mentioned.

The Yawhg - This was released in 2013 so it doesn't count. Also I only played it twice. But those times I've played it were some of best times with a multiplayer game this year.

Transistor - Transistor could have been amazing, but I was just not terribly impressed by it. It has beautiful art, a great sound track, and a real interesting ability system. But the story and world just aren't set up or executed well enough.

List items

  • SO this game isn't officially out of closed beta yet, but I've been playing it since the closed alpha and have put money into it, so I figured it belongs on this list. Especially since it's the game I enjoyed the most. That's partly due to the status as an early founder though. It aloud me to get to know the developers a bit more personally and to make some cool friends. It was awesome to get to see a bit of the process that developers who've been around since the 90's go through to make their games. I'm excited for the future of this game but can't talk specifically due to an NDA and it's kind of awesome I get to say that.

  • The Longest Journey is my favorite game. Chapters felt like coming home. It would have been my GOTY but only the first episode is out at the moment. But what a first episode!

  • Lyne is a beautifully simple puzzle game that really caught me. I never quite completed it because it got really tricky and there's 100s of levels but it's mechanics inspired me to make a small game like it. Which can be found here:

  • The Banner Saga has one of the most clever and simple battle mechanics of any game ever. When other RPGs want to got hard on complex systems, the Banner Saga says "Keep it simple, stupid." And it works great. The story and world are wonderfully refreshing for a fantasy setting.

  • Defense Grid 2 is more Defense Grid with slightly different mechanics. I described the first game as the "J.S. Bach of TD games" and DG2 continues that. It may not be super innovative but it does everything in the genre so well. I just wish there was more of it.

  • Banished could be described as the Dark Souls of town sims and it wouldn't be inaccurate. I found my time with this game challenging but rewarding. Slow but well paced. It didn't quite have enough late-r game stuff to keep me super interested, but I loved the little stories that came up from my virtual townsfolk.

  • I used to love jRPGs. IN the mid to late 90's on through to the mid 00's they were my favorite and primary genre. But then I started to notice more and more of the tropes of the genre and games became entirely predictable and completely lackluster. Gone were the days of Suikoden 2 and Wild Arms 3. Around then I discovered the SMT series and proceeded to play only SMT games for about 2 years since all I had access to was a PS2 and an older PC. Since then I haven't really found a jRPG that caught me as much.

    Then this game popped on Steam. Trails in the Sky is by no means the greatest jRPG I've ever played, but it did sink it's teeth into me in a way that one hasn't since Persona 4. There were a lot of things I didn't like about it, but those things are minor considering I actually finished this game and seriously considered doing a NG+.

  • This is a very late addition on this list. Honestly I wasn't too sure about this game at first, but the story and protagonist are top notch. Arid is probably one the most interesting AI characters I've encountered in a video game. The gameplay was alright. Serviceable. But the story was amazing. The story is incomplete. It ends with some loose ends but the promise of a sequel. I'm curious enough in where it could go to leave it on this list.

  • Roundabout is fucking hilarious. I'm awful at the game play but love the characters and plot so much.

  • I like this game. More than the original in fact. But there's something about it that sort of takes my desire away to play it anymore than I already have. I love the concept of mixing items and getting crazy overpowered combinations. It's the game's best quality.