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5 Terrible Games

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  • This is going to be the only traditional fighting game on this list, but damn this game was a stinker. I understand that Killer Instinct on the SNES wasn't an amazing game, but at the time I played the living hell out of it. I think part of my displeasure with this game stems from the lack of quality software in the early 64 days...or maybe I just realized that Killer Instinct was a mediocre franchise all along.

  • So this game is on here because one of my close friends traded in Goldeneye to pick up this turd of a game...he defened his choice at the time and continues to do so.

  • I actually enjoyed this game when I was in grade 7 or 8, but every year since then I have realized how this was never a good game at all. I don't know why I spent so much time with this game...even my nostalgia couldn't save my perception of this game as I got older.

  • I got this for my Dreamcast from an aunt who simply knows I enjoy video games...well this was a video game she got me for my 13th birthday and damnnn. Horrible game that I played for a couple hours and haven't touched since. The Dreamcast had some weird games in the closing year.

  • Despite what Jeff and Brad say...this is not a good game. I loved the first three Mortal Kombats, but the release of this game signaled the beginning of a long longggg decline that took the series to some bad places. I was infuriated when I started playing this on my N64.