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I am never playing these games ever again

it's summer time, and the heat makes people crazy. that includes myself. i tend to have a shorter temper than usual, mostly because no matter how cold the house is, any room i'm in is super hot. here are some games, at one time or another, got me so worked up that i promised myself i'd never play again. although i end up playing them again the next day, i thought it would be neat to make a list... for myself, anyway.

List items

  • this game relies a lot on nailing your inputs and timing, and getting worked up while playing Street Fighter is the worst. bad timing, sloppy execution and losing to players that are way below your skill level are among the bad things that happen in Street Fighter when you start to get a bit salty.

  • this one is a big guessing game. predicting and parrying your opponent's moves is an essential part of playing Dead or Alive. this game taught me to never judge a player based on their ranking. damn you, seemingly new players for making me go easy on you and paying for it.

  • i finished a match with 2 kills and 45 deaths once

  • oh Dead Rising. why do you not want me to make any progress? worst boss fights EVER.

  • this is arguably one of the biggest disgraces to gaming. ever.

  • ..and this game, too.