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GOTY 2013

And here comes the Game of the Year list, in all its glory.

Games marked with an asterisk have additional commentary, assuming you're reading the blog like you're supposed to.

List items

  • I am unapologetic in my love of Fire Emblem, and Awakening happens to be a Fire Emblem game that came out this year. Certainly helps that it's the best the series has been in a long while.*

  • My only complaint about A Link Between Worlds is that I wish it was longer and maybe a little more difficult. Other than those minor quibbles... it might be almost perfect. *

  • Even now, it's difficult to decide where I want Bioshock Infinite to be on this list, but I'll go with my gut feeling when I completed it and give it this high end spot. *

  • Much like Zelda, Super Mario 3D World is proof that when Nintendo brings their A-Game, they BRING IT. *

  • I think I might like Dragon's Dogma MORE than when I played it a year ago. Sure, the small gameplay enhancements offered by Dark Arisen are nice, as is the brutal punch in the face known as Bitterblack Isle, but... screw it. I just wanted another excuse to put Dragon's Dogma on this list.

  • This is one of those times when I will gleefully proclaim "Screw the haters", even as I sort of mourn the part where this game's complete lack of success means that the series isn't going anywhere for the next few years. It's no DMC3, but what is?

  • Assassin's Creed is skirting dangerously close to burning out with its yearly release schedule, but ACIV succeeds at fulfilling the promise that ACIII squandered as far as gameplay is concerned. Pirates!*

  • Enemy Within doesn't fix some of the fundamental problems I have with Enemy Unknown, but it did mix enough up to where I willingly played it again and enjoyed doing so. It's a pity that for all the fantastic enhancements to the mid-game, the end-game is still flaccid and dull.

  • Saints Row IV maybe takes a bit too much from its prior incarnations (specifically, it literally reuses the world of Saints Row the Third), but it's still the king of insane, self-aware video games. *

  • Capcom's series of Anime Courtroom Antics returns in fine form after the rather underwhelming Apollo Justice (which you can tell was underwhelming because they didn't make a direct sequel for 6 years and instead focused on Edgeworth and Professor Layton related spinoffs). It also might have the best DLC of this year, involving a case where you defend a Killer Whale of murder.


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I still don't think Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen can count on a top ten list of this year personally but, if you love them so much then there is nothing I can do.

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I still don't think Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen can count on a top ten list of this year personally but, if you love them so much then there is nothing I can do.

Hey man, it's an expansion. If XCOM can be on this list, so can Dark Arisen.

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Edited By ilikepopcans

@ilikepopcans said:

I still don't think Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen can count on a top ten list of this year personally but, if you love them so much then there is nothing I can do.

Hey man, it's an expansion. If XCOM can be on this list, so can Dark Arisen.

But you can't just purchase the expansion on it's own so is it really a expansion or just a re-release with some new content? But whatever, who really cares. Except me.

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Good list! I'm hoping to get through DMC and Assassin's Creed IV before the end of the year. We'll see. I sure as hell can't blame you for picking Fire Emblem as number one - that's a rock solid game.

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Mento  Moderator

Hey, I'm still wondering if I should include Pandora's Tower on mine since it came out in 2013 in the US but 2012 in Europe, where I live. All this GOTY technicality twaddle is terribly tricky territory; you just have to go with your heart.

All right, I'll just tell @video_game_king to stick it on his list. That way at least someone will acknowledge it.

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Unfortunately, without spoiling either my GOTY blog or my Pandora's Tower blog (which goes up next week), the game doesn't really have a place in my GOTY traditions. You shall understand in time.

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Good list! I'm hoping to get through DMC and Assassin's Creed IV before the end of the year. We'll see. I sure as hell can't blame you for picking Fire Emblem as number one - that's a rock solid game.

The real battle is for the number two spot, which will no doubt be a fierce one as I decide "Exactly how much did I like Bioshock? I feel like the constant picking-apart that game has received at the hands of tumblr pseudo-intellectuals might have poisoned part of it for me.

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@mento Go for it. Who is going to stop you? The man?

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@arbitrarywater: I didn't care much for Infinite save for its last few minutes, but I can't fault anybody for liking it. I wanted more exploration and less of a shooting gallery, but I think it's a fine shooter for what that's worth.

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No Rayman Legends? :(

Pretty great list of games there though. It pains me that I won't get to Phoenix Wright, DmC or Assassin's Creed IV until next year. I'm gonna be playing some serious Pokemans, Fire Emblem and Dragon's Dogma during Christmas Break though.

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No Rayman Legends? :(

Pretty great list of games there though. It pains me that I won't get to Phoenix Wright, DmC or Assassin's Creed IV until next year. I'm gonna be playing some serious Pokemans, Fire Emblem and Dragon's Dogma during Christmas Break though.

What the hell is a rayman. Is that like... a fish game? Nope. No fish games here.

For the record, I've played a grand total of 1 hour of Rayman Origins and didn't feel incredibly compelled to play much more, probably because I have no joy in my heart or something. I still have it installed on my computerbox, for what that is worth.

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@mormonwarrior said:

No Rayman Legends? :(

Pretty great list of games there though. It pains me that I won't get to Phoenix Wright, DmC or Assassin's Creed IV until next year. I'm gonna be playing some serious Pokemans, Fire Emblem and Dragon's Dogma during Christmas Break though.

What the hell is a rayman. Is that like... a fish game? Nope. No fish games here.

For the record, I've played a grand total of 1 hour of Rayman Origins and didn't feel incredibly compelled to play much more, probably because I have no joy in my heart or something. I still have it installed on my computerbox, for what that is worth.

I liked Rayman Origins a lot due to its visuals and music, but the gameplay was seriously lacking at times and the pacing/difficulty were all over the place. Legends really delivers on all fronts though. I'd strongly recommend playing it. Unless you really are just coldhearted.

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I haven't played Dragon's Dogma much yet (despite owning but the PSN version and Xbox disc release), but I adore its Japanese take on Medieval Europe and really want to spend more time in that enchanting world. Demons Souls and King's Field and a whole lot of other JRPGs obviously work within the exact same artistic parameters, but there's just something about DD's spin on it which makes me really happy. Oh, and the pointless contextual party banter is somehow very funny...

Also, I should really play Fire Emblem at some point (another game which I own both in digital and retail form but haven't forced myself to get started with yet).

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Edited By fisk0  Moderator

I just hope they'll do annual re-releases of Dragon's Dogma from now on so it can be on every GOTY in the future. Something like the annual expansion packs for most MMO's.