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Best of 2014 that didn't actually come out in 2014

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  • If Etrian Odyssey III was the game that finally got me into the series, EO IV is the one that I can actually recommend to others. It's a classical dungeon crawler of superior construction, with a lot of ways to build a viable team and some surprisingly decent writing.

  • I might take issue with Valkyria Chronicles' occasionally discordant tone, but it's a turn-based strategy game that is a step or two away from being one of the all-time greats.

  • I've played every single Ace Attorney game, and this might legitimately be one of my favorites. Certainly helps that it has a professional quality fan translation underlying what is likely some solid writing.

  • Crash 2 is a platformer that comes from an era when it was okay to be just a platformer. I can appreciate that sort of purity and Crash 2 still holds up extremely well because of it.

  • The Peanut Butter/Chocolate cross between Platinum and Kojima has many of the strengths of both companies without as many of their excesses. It's short and the combat is perhaps less deep than it appears, but it's a fun crazy ride while it lasts.

  • No joke, might be the best Kart Racer of that era. Sonic and Sega All Stars Transformed is secret best Kart Racer of all time though.

  • Weirdly enough, I wasn't super keen on Demon's Souls. Not sure if Dark Souls 2 gave me my fill of sadism or I've just played a better version of this game elsewhere.

  • "It's Castlevania yo". Just put that on the back of the box. It's a spacewhipper that does the spacewhipping thing well with few surprises but also few caveats.

  • A surprisingly accessible Roguelike that stole my attention for like a week straight before I remembered that I'm not patient enough to be good at these sorts of games.

  • Huh. Well, maybe. I liked it more than I disliked it, and somehow there aren't very many other old games I'd put on this list. What the hell, why not?


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Don't want to bump your 5 month old blog, but we sure have similar opinions about Metal Gear Solid 4.

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Not a list of Super Mario World over and over?

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YEP. I know I'm 6 years late to the party, but maaaaaaan is MGS 4 just an overindulgent wank-fest masquerading as both a conclusion to the story and as a video game in general.

@daveyo520: Alas my good sir, this list consists of games that I played for the first time (or completed for the first time) this year. Otherwise this list would be all Super Mario World and Heroes of Might and Magic every year.

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@arbitrarywater: I should probably play through more than a handful of levels of SMW. I am however super super bad at 2D Mario Games. Platformers and me do not seem to get along, though I do like Super Mario 3D Land and have almost beaten it.

I hope you mean Heroes of Might and Magic 3.

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YEP. I know I'm 6 years late to the party, but maaaaaaan is MGS 4 just an overindulgent wank-fest masquerading as both a conclusion to the story and as a video game in general.

I came to the series for the first time just a couple months ago myself. I remember a couple hours after I beat 4 I was just lying around thinking about the ending, and I literally said "fuck that!" outloud. Specifically the Raiden stuff, uggghhh.

Like you I am very much in the MGS2 camp and I was really looking forward to 4 for that reason. It reminded me a lot of the Star Wars prequels. There was almost no creative ambition, everything that was good in that game was taken from other games in the series.

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Edited By L33T_HAXOR

@hunter5024 said:

Don't want to bump your 5 month old blog, but we sure have similar opinions about Metal Gear Solid 4.

I just played through it on PSNow -- I mean I enjoyed most of the game-play, but MAN, Kojima simply does not know how to do proper pacing in a story any more. MGS1 may have had a lot of cut-scenes but the pacing was pretty good for the most part. And it may have had a lot of nonsense, but at least it was some-what entertaining nonsense. By the end of MGS4 it was just impossible for me to care.

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@daveyo520: I will say nice things about almost every Heroes game. 3 is the fan favorite, deservedly so, but at this point I might prefer 5 with expansions if I just want to play a hotseat game with friends. And of course Heroes 2 has that fantastic soundtrack and creature sprites, Heroes IV has the unique character building, more RPG-ish conceit and 6? Well, ok. Heroes 6 isn't very good.

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@arbitrarywater: I played 3 for hours and hours with my friend in HS in the pass and play mode. I actually own V but have never actually played it.

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@arbitrarywater: I played 3 for hours and hours with my friend in HS in the pass and play mode. I actually own V but have never actually played it.

I don't think the campaigns are that good, and the map variety is a little lacking, but Heroes V: Tribes of the East is a fun time to have with friends. It's a lot like Heroes III on a surface level, but there are a couple of nuances that make it fun if you want to mix things up. Like how every creature has an alternate upgrade.