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Internet man with questionable sense of priorities

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2011 GOG Holiday Sale haul

In order to be something resembling fiscally conservative, I am not going to buy anything during Steam's Holiday sale this year. However, I didn't say anything about GOG's holiday sale, which I managed to reach my spending limit of $20 with little trouble, despite the fact that I already own pretty much every game worth owning on that site already.

Here it is, for those who care.

List items

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  • See Below

  • Ultima 4+5+6 Bundle. Honestly, the only one of these that seems remotely playable is Ultima VI, and that may be stretching it. Still, should get some good videos out of it if nothing else.

  • See below

  • Ultima VII complete. Now this game does seem playable. More than playable actually, especially when I'm playing it through Exult rather than DOSbox. Still is from an era where efficient interfacing was a non-issue, and that stuff tends to bug me far more than it should.

  • The sequel to Peter Molyneux's second god psuedo RTS will probably contain the same amount of cheeky british dark humor, and the same amount of flash over substance. Assuming I can even get this game to run, it should be an interesting experience.

  • Another Bullfrog joint. Other than that, I really have no idea what the hell this game actually is, other than it will probably teach me how to love or something.

  • I saw the Random Old PC Game on it, and it seems pretty good to me. Better than Phantasmagoria anyways.

  • It was free. It will probably be alright, right? I mean, I was considering buying Myst for a second there, before realizing that Myst probably would represent everything I hated about Adventure games.

  • Dude. Lion Puppets + Mark Hamill + Space Combat = something I probably paid money for.

  • The PC port of this game seems like the most ghetto thing imaginable, in that I have to Ctrl+Alt+Delete to quit it and the button mapping still has Playstation symbols. Assuming I can get myself a decent USB controller, I probably will be able to enjoy the craziness, somewhat.

  • Yes. That happened.