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    Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

    Game » consists of 18 releases. Released Oct 30, 2003

    Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is an action-adventure game with a heavy focus on platforming. The story revolves around the wry Prince, a time-altering dagger, and a kingdom beset by a plague-like evil.

    cooldrmoney's Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Xbox) review

    Avatar image for cooldrmoney

    Solid platforming and a quality production make this a must try

    The fluid controls and animations of the original Prince of Persia are unlike anything from that era. That level of fidelity translated to a true three dimensional world without a hitch in The Sands of Time. One of the more significant aspects of this game is how well the Prince controls. He has a very impressive catalog of acrobatics including wall running, pole swinging, tightrope balancing, ledge scaling, and rope climbing. All of his moves are easy to perform due to a control scheme that effectively utilizes the controllers buttons and triggers. Furthermore, the prince's moves look and feel very natural, with numerous animations smoothly connecting his jumps from one technique to another while physics and momentum determine how he interacts with the environment.

    The Prince's acrobatic abilities are put to the test in well designed levels that continue to provide their own unique set of obstacles to overcome throughout the game. Frankly, this game includes some of the most rock solid platforming sequences the genre has ever seen.

    The two other aspects to the gameplay are puzzles and combat. The puzzles spread throughout the game provide breaks between the action. They are the usual fare of block pushing and switch hitting activities that are generic, but rather harmless.

    Combat segments also occur throughout the game, and are noticeably weak compared to the other portions. You'll use your sword and sand dagger against weapon wielding zombie-like foes who attack in groups of four or five and continue to respawn for a certain amount of cycles. The combat system is very thin and not very fun. You have a few tricks up your arsenal like stabbing them with your dagger and then instant killing their frozen in time sand carcasses, or simply bouncing off walls to quick slash the enemies. The fighting is very clumsy and frustrating though, as enemies continually respawn and attack while you fidget around with time reversal to desperately keep your health up. Simply put, the combat quickly becomes a chore.

    That's the only thing holding this game down though. The presentation wraps up the game in a top notch package. From the way the Prince narrates the story, to his interactions with Farah, to the great environmental set pieces and background music that back them up; The Sands of Time is an unforgettable experience.

    Other reviews for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Xbox)

      Fantastic! 0

      Prince of Persia: SoT was excellent from beginning to end. It's highly immersive with some excellent puzzles and platforming. The level design is extremely logical and fun to solve. The levels are challenging but it's not impossible like most other games of this type. I was able to beat it without a faq so that shows that anybody can figure out this game. The difficulty isn't high and the game is very forgiving. The save points are numerous enough that you won't be frustrated if you die and the ...

      2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

      The Prince's First Succesful 3D Outing 0

      First of, I'd like to say that it's a rare treat to see such smooth and simple controls incorperated into a game. The ease at which you perform the dazzling moves, and death-defying leaps is incredible. Whether you're wall-running or fighting a hord of sand creatures, you'll never end up feeling like you have to twist your fingers in a knot to make it work. Ever wanted to play acrobat? Well, you'll be doing plenty of acrobatics in this game - and it's a whole lot saver to do too. If more develop...

      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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