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    PlayStation Home

    Game » consists of 1 releases. Released Dec 11, 2008

    PlayStation Home was a social games network where PSN users could play games and socialize. Home saw a refocus in Fall 2011 in North America and Europe that put more emphasis on games than social spaces.

    Home Info - error codes and what they mean

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    #1  Edited By OmegaPirate

    You won't find HOME for the PS3 in the store, nor will you find your PS3 forcing you to download another PS3 firmware update and if you leave your PS3 on all the time, HOME won't even appear under your Playstation Network account.

    HOME loads the initial install file sneakily in the background; like a sad lonely application that's escaped from the playstation store. It only welcomes you in once you've turned off and turned on the PS3. Took me two nights of asking the heavens why I wasn't one of the lucky ones to be part of the Open Beta for HOME. Turns out, we're all invited. Just reboot and check the Playstation Network in the Playstation Cross Media bar as that is where HOME Open beta for the PS3 resides.

    And then once you've agreed to the pages and pages of terms and conditions, and you're just about to enter this magical world, the climax is deadened by a swift C-931 error code 

    This will be one of the many codes thatw ill no doubt appear, heres the basic ones ive found, and what they mean in laymans terms

    C-931 error code for the Playstation 3 - The connection to the server was lost
    Too many people are already in HOME and too many people are trying to get in. Wait for someone to throw you the front door key when they're off to the pub.

    C-991 - The connection to the server was almost made, but not quite sunshine
    You've got the key and it's in the lock, but the damn thing won't turn.. try again or just wait for someone to give you another key - hopefully next time the one to the front door!

    -603 - Server error: Session has timed out or does not exist
    There's a house party - but you're definitely not invited. Hey... isn't the bathroom window open, maybe, just maybe you could...

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    #2  Edited By brukaoru

    I'm not going to try out Home until next week. I'm not expecting anything that exciting about it. I was talking to a friend last night who started it up and he hated it. I can imagine their servers were getting a lot of traffic, that will probably die down a lot once people have gone through it and seen everything there is to it now.

    Good write-up.

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    #3  Edited By OmegaPirate
    brukaoru said:
    "I'm not going to try out Home until next week. I'm not expecting anything that exciting about it. I was talking to a friend last night who started it up and he hated it. I can imagine their servers were getting a lot of traffic, that will probably die down a lot once people have gone through it and seen everything there is to it now.

    Good write-up."
    Cheers, came from some random digg website whilst i was looking for the c-931 error, thought it may come in handy for fellow bombers, its a lot more bearable when you know what the actual issue is xD

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