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    Playable Musical Instrument

    Concept »

    These games include musical instruments where the player has the freedom to play a melody of their choosing.

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    204863 fezz Concept 04/23/22 09:46PM 2 done
    176654 franzlska Game 09/09/21 01:50PM 8 done
    170764 fezz Concept 07/25/21 07:22PM 2 done
    166996 franzlska Game Added basic description, concepts, reworked deck. 06/30/21 04:42PM 117 done
    150613 franzlska Game Added an assortment of concepts and objects based on what's generally present among most servers. 02/23/21 03:36PM 108 done
    100102 thelastgogeta Concept 03/04/20 02:38AM 4 done
    66304 psykus Concept Playable instrument called Shawzin: 09/10/19 09:39PM 2 done
    53543 TK_Frampt Concept Overwatch has a functioning piano on the Paris map where the keys function when you shoot them. 06/10/19 04:42AM 2 done

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