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    Game » consists of 5 releases. Released Jan 13, 2014

    Two players engage each other in swordplay and hand-to-hand combat in this indie fencing game.

    halliday_uk's Nidhogg (PC) review

    Avatar image for halliday_uk

    Casually Elegant Duelling

    This game is great to play with a group of friends, as the antics which ensue as players skewer, slice and even strangle their opponents are sure to amuse. Many great moments of thrown swords, thrusts through the face and bright coloured blood await!

    A great couch competitive game!

    Other reviews for Nidhogg (PC)

      En Garde 0

      Break out the controllers.Local multiplayer is a dwindling hobby. That’s not to suggest that it’s “dead” or that there aren’t people out there with a major investment in it, but it’s one of those truths of the internet age that a decreasing number of games are offering an offline multiplayer component, and that with more incentive than ever to play online fewer and fewer of us are getting that closer human contact and electric atmosphere which comes with sitti...

      5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

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