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    Game » consists of 6 releases. Released Apr 14, 2011

    A satirical fantasy action-adventure in which you and up to three friends take on The Forces of Evil by wielding eight elements of magick and combining them in unique ways.

    cassus's Magicka (PC) review

    Avatar image for cassus

    Buckets of fun

    Played 5 hours of it now, at chapter 5, and I feel I'm ready to pass judgement on this thing. 
    I find it awesome. It's kind of rough around the edges, but the core game, especially the way it handles casting is just so much fun. I seem to be one of the lucky few who have not had the game crash constantly. In fact, I've yet to experience a CTD in this game. 
     There are tons of references to known movies and games in this game, as well as some more obscure references. Your familiarity with games and movies will greatly affect the gigglefrequency in this game. And, as I mentioned in my blog entry, if you know any of the scandinavian languages, the giggles will come even more often, as the simlish type voices in this game are sort of a mix between swedish chef from the muppet show and some sort of icelandic swedish hybrid. It's absolutely hilarious when you catch tiny little phrases here and there that sort of relate to the subtitles. Some of the dialog can be gleaned if you're not familiar with the languages as well, such as referring to some early house music as "dunkadunkadunk".
    I kind of wish they'd not released it ahead of schedule (they were set for a march release) in a buggy state, as I reckon quite a few people will not be able to play this at its current state, and might never pick it up again after the bugs get squashed. They'll be missing out on something quite special. 
    My spell tip, use E + S + right click to lay down some mines that have knockback and damage. It's my bread and butter kiting spell. Couple that with the basic R + D + right click for a frost bolt AOE that slows targets. Also, wet targets take more damage from electricity. That's enough to get you started. 
    There is a demo out, try it and see if it works on your machine, if it does.. Buy the game.
    - I've yet to try MP, but I'm told it's even more fun, and even more buggy -

    Other reviews for Magicka (PC)

      An amazingly entertaining experience, even with horrible flaws 0

       Paradox Interactive is mostly known for their work on very serious and complex strategy games in line of Europa Universalis, where you take on the role of a dictator and manage an empire with your vast knowledge. This is no laughing matter, as there are treaties to sign, research to be done and more very stern tasks. Magicka is not one of these games.    They look tough now, but these colorful bathrobes are going to die more deaths than the Suicide Bunnies.   Qui...

      26 out of 26 found this review helpful.

      Great ideas, but too repetitive with tough controls 0

       I'll be honest, I didn't make it more than halfway through this game's campaign.  I just... couldn't.  Quite simply, this game is 95% combat (I checked to make sure the rest of the game was the same, and it is)  and the combat was not satisfying.   The introduction to the game (as seen in the Quick Look) is entirely misleading.  In the beginning, the player must solve puzzles by combining his magic or using it in interesting ways.  For instance, a generator that is beyond a gap mus...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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