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    Kingdom Hearts II

    Game » consists of 8 releases. Released Dec 22, 2005

    The third installment in the Kingdom Hearts franchise following after Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, known for its successful combination of Disney and Final Fantasy franchises into a believable plot.

    dsplayer1010's Kingdom Hearts II (PlayStation 2) review

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    Kingdom Hearts II Review

    Gameplay in Kingdom Hearts 2 is very fun. X is to attack, and you can do a lot of different comninations for different attacks. O is to jump.Triangle is the reaction command. If you hit that at the right time you do attacks that do more damage. Triangle also talks to people and other things. From what i've heard, the camera was terrible in the first game. I found that it was great in this one. You can also do magic spells that can cure your team and attack. Magic can also summon characters to help you in battle. You also add special abilities with the items you find or buy. Another new ability in this game is the Drive. With this ability Sora changes into new forms that give special abilities depending on what keyblades you have equiped.

    The cameos is one of my favorite parts of the game. The story brings you the worlds of many disney movies. Such films include Beauty and the Beast, Nightmare Before Christmas, Tron and, others. Some of the worlds change Sora like in the Lion King and The Little Mermaid. The Little Mermaid level doesn't involve fighting, but pressing a button as it shows up. I didn't like that. Akso, The Hundred Acre Wood was collection of minigames, but they were pretty fun. Goofy, Donald, and sometimes Mickey fight alongside you. You can also use the Summon to get other Disney characters to fight alongside you like stitch or The Genie. In the different worlds, characters from there figt with you. There are some cameos (but not as many) by Final Fantasy characters. Some fight with you, one you fight, others do nothing but help make the story move along. Also, if you didn't play the first two (like me,) the game sums up what happened in the last two well.

    The story is great, I won't go into much detail because its hard to sum up quickly. The game also has a great original score, the only score better than Bully's this year. The game's graphics are also great, especially in the Pirates of the Carribean level.

    So overall, Kingdom Hearts 2 is a great game. I highly reccomend it.


    Other reviews for Kingdom Hearts II (PlayStation 2)

      Great follow up to the first, improving upon its original concept 0

      If you haven't gotten this game, get it. Many of the flaws of the old game were fixed and what wasn't broken got a cementing and some new features to further richen the experience. It just feels like this generation's Final Fantasy VII in every way, save graphics and gameplay, the latter being better than the Playstation RPG. One of the most noticeable parts of the game is the gameplay. Like most Square Enix games, you'll embark on a perilous quest to in the end save the world. Along the way re...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

      Kingdom Hearts II was a good follow up. 0

      Don't let my review fool you, I did enjoy Kingdom Hearts II, but there was to much about it that annoyed me. They tried to make the game more complex, in the end it was still a button masher. The story was interesting, but it was completely slowed down by all the side worlds. The game was shorter than the first and not even as fun. I rarely had to use magic and I didn't even use a Summon once. The first game just had more charm overall and better boss battles. ----------Battle System----------...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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