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    Game » consists of 5 releases. Released May 20, 2008

    In this PS3-exclusive first-person shooter, players fight a group of rebels who don't like the Mantel megacorporation, only to discover that his obviously evil bosses aren't the good guys after all.

    doganton's Haze (PlayStation 3) review

    Avatar image for doganton
    • Score:
    • doganton wrote this review on .
    • 0 out of 1 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.
    • This review received 1 comments

    haze is tough

    I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun. I  had a hard time shooting the gun.

    Other reviews for Haze (PlayStation 3)

      Oh noes 0

      Haze. My personal most anticipated game of the year. It's good, don't get me wrong, it's a very capable shooter, but it is just so undoubtedly average and inconsistent, that it disappoints beyond belief. I could have easily given Haze big points off for letting me down so horribly, as I write this review totally heartbroken, but I decided to let it go. It does have reasonable merits, but I really have to wonder where the hell the Free Radical shine and polish went, in this shooter that could've ...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

      Shane Carpenter lacks in balls... 0

      HAZE- PS3Reviews lately seem to be taking the easy way out and comparing everything to COD4. “Army of Two’s online isn’t as good as Call of Duty”, or “Everybody’s Golf World Tour is decent, but there’s no martyrdom”. But I’m going to review HAZE for what it is: The latest FPS from Free Radical Design.You’ve probably heard already that HAZE is all based around Nectar, a performance enhancing drug that has its downsides. You take the role of Shane Carpenter, a character you you’ll probably grow to...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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