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    Grand Theft Auto III

    Game » consists of 28 releases. Released Oct 23, 2001

    The third release in the Grand Theft Auto Franchise stars silent criminal protagonist Claude who, after having been betrayed and left for dead, is out for revenge. It was the first GTA game in 3D, an evolution that proved to be pivotal and helped establish the franchise as one of gaming's most popular (and controversial).

    cooldrmoney's Grand Theft Auto III (PlayStation 2) review

    Avatar image for cooldrmoney

    The Blueprint

    It was one of the most notable releases in an overwhelming year for video games, stands out as one of the largest names when looking back at the previous decade, and will continue to receive premier accolades as long as video games exist. The quality of storytelling in games, the concept of sandbox gameplay in a well realized environment, and developers and publishers who aren’t afraid to flip off tight asses all have GTA3 to thank for setting a towering benchmark.
    Your nameless, voiceless character begins the game double crossed and left for arrest or death, whichever comes first. His climb up Liberty City’s crime ladder begins the moment he breaks out of a police van with fellow convict 8 ball and the player is told to jack their first car. With a GPS map to keep in sight, a radio to fidget with, an open city at your helm, and a deadly weapon at your disposal, the game is officially underway. Some may argue that it doesn’t begin until you run over your first pedestrian and earn your first police star. 
    GTA 3 is played out through a set of branching storyline missions provided by crime life hotshots wanting you to do their dirty work. You'll build a name for yourself, ironic yeah, and the amount of available missions to choose from will continue to grow. Each mission progresses the story and builds an intriguing narrative of crime life in the big city, which is inhabited by a crowded cast of colorful law-resisting characters.  
    Liberty City itself is broken up into three diverse districts, and is established extremely well for a fictionalized metropolis without any glaring influences. You get the feeling that this is the New York City of this game world without it directly aping any of New York's landmarks. It's quite impressive,and Liberty City's balanced design is perfect for a game that steals scores of hours from the player.
    While it's easy to see what makes GTA3 such an important and celebrated game, it tends to fight a losing battle with unnecessary frustration. Matters are made exponentially tougher by an archaic health system, weak weapon targeting, and an overall sense of clumsiness. Mission progression and sandbox dickery are limited by the gameplay design, but it certainly doesn't ruin the game, just hinder it. Otherwise, GTA3 stands tall as a contemporary classic.


    Other reviews for Grand Theft Auto III (PlayStation 2)

      Grand Theft Auto III 0

      Around the Christmas of 2001, there was a bit of a rivalry brewing between the PS2 and the new Xbox. Both systems had a high-profile game coming out. The PS2 had Metal Gear Solid 2, and the Xbox had Halo. But a lesser known game came out of nowhere to far more commercial success than either, a 3D sequel to a kitschy top-down driving series. It was GTA3, and it was a lot of fun. I remember playing it for the first time and being amazed by what I could do. It was the first true open-world game of ...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

      The reason I got a PS2 0

      Grand theft auto 3 is the first time the series went 3D. One and two were top down 2D. It’s also the First time the game has a story. Some guy (never gives a name is the story) get betrayed by a woman during a bank robbery and goes to jail. When he and a few other prisoners get transferred one of the prisoner’s guys comes and breaks him out and letting you and 8 ball free. 8 ball helps you find work and thus the journey begins. You start with missions of pick up a person to saving the woman you...

      0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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