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    Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

    Game » consists of 7 releases. Released Jun 24, 2010

    Ghost Trick puts the player in command of Sissel, who has only until dawn to figure out the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death.

    worm's Ghost Trick (Nintendo DS) review

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    • 0 out of 0 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.
    • worm has written a total of 10 reviews. The last one was for The Sims Medieval

    Everything I excpected it to be, In a good way!

    Ghost trick takes the amazing story telling of the Phoenix Wright series and makes it even Better.
    So basically it does sadden me I can't say much about how good the storyline is without exposing much detailes except for that you're a ghost, a ghost that, can manipulate objects, and your goal is to look for your real identity (As apparently dead men lose any memory of their existence). The story is well delivered, and the riddles are quite sophisticated, however, they require much less thinking than Phoenix Wright's Contradiction spotting, I might say, not to mention how short this game appears after solving each riddle, the plot advances quite quickly this way. I will not elaborate much and say that the cross between the creative story and the imaginative puzzles is very amusing, and basically this game is a must have, if not as a game, as a graphic novel.

    Other reviews for Ghost Trick (Nintendo DS)

      How To Outdo An Attorney 0

        Ghost Trick uses the actual scenery in its cutscenes, to great effect. Ghost Trick's deviation from Shu Takumi's previous work, the Ace Attorney series, is immediate; rather than clicking around in still environments looking for the detail that you missed, you're actively engaged in solving the puzzle, directly moving your character.. As Sissel, a ghost who recently lost its body, you can move your flame avatar between objects, performing the titular “Ghost Trick,” manipulating objects in the ...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

      Unique take on the point-and-click adventure formula 0

      Capcom gets its fair share of criticism for milking its franchises to death, so when it takes a chance on something different it’s usually worth a look. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective certainly qualifies: it’s a totally original IP that puts a unique spin on the adventure genre, which has sorely needed some innovative ideas.The player takes on the role of a ghost who’s spirit can interact with nearby objects, like a poltergeist playing tricks on unsuspecting victims. You’ll have to use whatever ...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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