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    Final Fantasy XIII

    Game » consists of 17 releases. Released Mar 09, 2010

    This entry into the Final Fantasy universe is set in the worlds of Pulse and Cocoon. Players take control of multiple characters who are caught in a war between these worlds.

    onewingeddash's Final Fantasy XIII (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for onewingeddash

    Final Fantasy XIII review

    After the sad excuse of a game known as Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Returns, It was a breath of fresh air to return to the original Final Fantasy XIII. Believe it or not, I actually like FFXIII. It may have a "hallway" style of gameplay and it's battle system certainly a down grade from FF games of the past, but every game's got problems.

    The story is basically about Lightning and her team of friends (more like groupies) who have become l'cie, and after that, the story gets way to complicated to explain.

    The gameplay isn't bad, it's just underwelming, the big overworlds of the past are replaced with pathways the size of high school hallways. And the battle system feels more like a slowed down hack n slash, which would work if it didn't try to mix in turn based style battle options. But the gameplay is okay, it's playable unlike XIII-2 or Lightning Returns.

    The graphics are amazing even by 2014 standards, and while Lightning was the character that spawned the armpit fetish, it's kinda of a pervy way of showing how beautiful the graphics are. The graphics engine is the same one Square used in Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, and your opinion on that film is up to you.

    In conclusion, Final Fantasy XIII is not a bad game, but it's not a great game. It's a good game and I'd much rather play it then Lightning Returns or FFXIII-2.

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