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    Sometimes you want a challenge, sometimes you wanna coast.

    The Difficulty Quandry

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    Edited By coruptai125

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      As someone who gets easily frustrated I almost always play on low or regular settings on any game I play (at least the first time through). While I used to enjoy spending hours repeating runs on sonic 2 trying to finally reach the end, I can't honestly say I get the same feeling playing through so many years later. 

    As I grew up and broadened my gaming horizons I soon felt cheated when a game was difficult to the point that I had to replay levels multiple times. Sure Every play I would get a little better, but I'd also lose a bit of my sanity after failing for the umpteenth time at the same exact spot. Nowadays I just play games to enjoy the ride, not to challenge my hand-eye coordination skills. 

    Now the only way I will play sonic 2 is on my 360, despite access to a genesis copy of the game. Not because I'm lazy, but because with the XBLA version I can save at key points and load if I fail instead of starting on green hill zone one again and again. 

    I like being able to play through the hot new blockbusters without having the stress of dying and reloading. I would consider myself a hardcore gamer not because I'm anything special when it comes to playing, but because my love of gaming keeps me playing for hours a day. I can understand how some people might miss the difficulty back in the day. For some people games are all about the challenge and there are still challenges around if you look for them (Guitar Hero, Ninja Gaiden, F.E.A.R) 

    There's also the problem that difficulty can be extremely speculative. What I find difficult others might find a cakewalk. Everyone from the most casual to the most hardcore of gamers have different experiences with difficulty in different games. 

    Then theres different difficulty levels. This is a developers way to appeal to both parties of this particular debate. Unfortunately sometimes this doesn't work out very well for those wanting a legitimate challenge. A lot of the time the only difference between easy and hard will be the amount of enemies thrown at the player. Usually it adjusts player and enemy health. The problem with this is that a lot of the time this just creates an artificial difficulty. Take for example CoD:WaW. I found the game to be perfectly balanced on normal. I only died occasionally but had a lot of close calls. The problem lies with veteran difficulty. Instead of making the enemies smarter or tougher, the developers created artificial difficulty in the form of a grenade spam. I think most people can agree that this wasn't a challenge, it was a frustration. The game wasn't designed to give you a legitimate challenge on veteran, so the higher difficulty suffered. 

    Ultimately it comes down to developers. In order to survive they have to appeal to every player they can. If in the end this alienates the challenge loving gamers out there it will only be there fault. I truly believe that a balance can be found where Easy=Everyone, Normal=Experienced gamers, and Hard=Challenge Lovers only.
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    #1  Edited By coruptai125

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      As someone who gets easily frustrated I almost always play on low or regular settings on any game I play (at least the first time through). While I used to enjoy spending hours repeating runs on sonic 2 trying to finally reach the end, I can't honestly say I get the same feeling playing through so many years later. 

    As I grew up and broadened my gaming horizons I soon felt cheated when a game was difficult to the point that I had to replay levels multiple times. Sure Every play I would get a little better, but I'd also lose a bit of my sanity after failing for the umpteenth time at the same exact spot. Nowadays I just play games to enjoy the ride, not to challenge my hand-eye coordination skills. 

    Now the only way I will play sonic 2 is on my 360, despite access to a genesis copy of the game. Not because I'm lazy, but because with the XBLA version I can save at key points and load if I fail instead of starting on green hill zone one again and again. 

    I like being able to play through the hot new blockbusters without having the stress of dying and reloading. I would consider myself a hardcore gamer not because I'm anything special when it comes to playing, but because my love of gaming keeps me playing for hours a day. I can understand how some people might miss the difficulty back in the day. For some people games are all about the challenge and there are still challenges around if you look for them (Guitar Hero, Ninja Gaiden, F.E.A.R) 

    There's also the problem that difficulty can be extremely speculative. What I find difficult others might find a cakewalk. Everyone from the most casual to the most hardcore of gamers have different experiences with difficulty in different games. 

    Then theres different difficulty levels. This is a developers way to appeal to both parties of this particular debate. Unfortunately sometimes this doesn't work out very well for those wanting a legitimate challenge. A lot of the time the only difference between easy and hard will be the amount of enemies thrown at the player. Usually it adjusts player and enemy health. The problem with this is that a lot of the time this just creates an artificial difficulty. Take for example CoD:WaW. I found the game to be perfectly balanced on normal. I only died occasionally but had a lot of close calls. The problem lies with veteran difficulty. Instead of making the enemies smarter or tougher, the developers created artificial difficulty in the form of a grenade spam. I think most people can agree that this wasn't a challenge, it was a frustration. The game wasn't designed to give you a legitimate challenge on veteran, so the higher difficulty suffered. 

    Ultimately it comes down to developers. In order to survive they have to appeal to every player they can. If in the end this alienates the challenge loving gamers out there it will only be there fault. I truly believe that a balance can be found where Easy=Everyone, Normal=Experienced gamers, and Hard=Challenge Lovers only.
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    #2  Edited By Chubbaluphigous

    I tend to find Normal way too easy overall.  Sure they throw in a spot or two that is kind of a challenge, but overall it is so easy that it is boring.  I will play some games on normal if I am just trying to plow through them.  Hard tends to be my sweet spot.  If there is a harder difficulty I may play it if I really liked the game, and it didn't feel cheap.  One really great thing about harder settings is that it reveals the faults/positives in the game.  Does the enemy AI actually act intelligently?  Are your friendly AI anything more than decorations on screen?  Is the combat deep enough that playing on Hard requires you to think more, or do you just have to shoot dudes in the face faster? 
    You are right about W@W for the most part.  The AI isn't any smarter on Veteran, just aim only for you, can see you from any distance, and spam you with grenades.  What the game does do right is force you to play it differently, and think about everything you do.  Only specific AI will throw grenades at you.  You are really only spammed with grenades if you stay still too long.  The game wants you to keep moving, throw smoke, hit the next checkpoint.  The game isn't nearly as random as it first appears.  I played through the game on Veteran for my first play through.  When I got to the end it came time to put the flag in, I was so stoked.  I was jumping up and down, and proud of what I just completed.

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    #3  Edited By fripplebubby

    There's nothing I hate more than just giving the enemies more health and the player less and calling it "harder". It's really just a pain in the ass. Make the enemies smarter, if possible, or make them better equipped, or something.  
    Playing games on easy just to experience them, kind of like watching a movie, is an option I will occasionally partake in, but usually just on games that I don't really enjoy playing, at which point I have to question what the hell i'm doing with them in the first place. 

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    #4  Edited By coruptai125
    @Chubbaluphigous: I can totally see where a stiff challenge can be satisfying but it's just not my cup of tea. I forced my way through WaW on veteran just for points. I can honestly say that I never want to reach the level of frustration garnered by that game again. While I was incredibly satisfied after finishing the game, It just wasn't worth the frustration to reach the conclusion.  To me, Modern Warfare 2 on veteran was a great difficulty. I loved it because I knew that I could clear out all the enemies to get my checkpoint, not be forced to run for one. Also the enemies didn't suddenly get smarter, just a bit more accurate. MW2 is a game that I feel handles higher difficulty levels excellently. I just wish more games could balance the harder difficulty levels to be a tough but fair challenge.

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