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    DC Universe Online

    Game » consists of 7 releases. Released Jan 11, 2011

    An MMO for the PC and consoles that allows you to fight for and alongside the forces of good or evil from the DC Comics Universe.

    My time with DC Universe Online: Character Creation (With Video!)

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    Edited By matt

    I can’t help myself. Every time a new mmo is released I have to buy it. I play for the first month and see if it sticks. I also think the first month(ish) is vital to a mmos development. With these things in mind I’m going to be playing/recording a lot of DCuo (That’s DC Universe Online) and where better to start than with character creation. Obliviously I recommend you watch my fantastic video but read this too!

    The biggest problem with the DCuo’s character creation is that it can be compared directly to CoH (City of Heroes) and more recently Champions online. Both games have vastly superior hero making capabilities and are renowned for having some of the best character creation in a mmo. So the question is why didn’t they just copy it? Sure it would be easy to say it’s not original but in the end it would make a better game. Even things as simple as categories for different types of clothing rather than one big list would have helped so much. About half way through the process I simply didn’t care anymore, I just wanted to get out of the character creation as quickly as possible. 
    Part 1:

    Part 2:

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    #1  Edited By matt

    I can’t help myself. Every time a new mmo is released I have to buy it. I play for the first month and see if it sticks. I also think the first month(ish) is vital to a mmos development. With these things in mind I’m going to be playing/recording a lot of DCuo (That’s DC Universe Online) and where better to start than with character creation. Obliviously I recommend you watch my fantastic video but read this too!

    The biggest problem with the DCuo’s character creation is that it can be compared directly to CoH (City of Heroes) and more recently Champions online. Both games have vastly superior hero making capabilities and are renowned for having some of the best character creation in a mmo. So the question is why didn’t they just copy it? Sure it would be easy to say it’s not original but in the end it would make a better game. Even things as simple as categories for different types of clothing rather than one big list would have helped so much. About half way through the process I simply didn’t care anymore, I just wanted to get out of the character creation as quickly as possible. 
    Part 1:

    Part 2:

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    #2  Edited By Claude

    You seem to be there at the end too.

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    #3  Edited By Driadon

    Just a correction, the CoH you mean is City of Heroes, not Company. I make that mistake all the time myself.

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    #4  Edited By Enigma777

    My problem is that loot you pick up changes your appearance, so you can make the coolest hero/villain ever, but after playing for 20 mins he will look completely different and mismatched since you're pretty much forced to equip gear for the stats boost. 

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    #5  Edited By BabyChooChoo

    I couldn't agree more with the whole 'lack of options thing'
     Look at any Superhero ever. Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Ironman, etc. They made their iconic suit....the suit that makes them who they are...right from the beginning. They didn't find their cape, their mask, or whatever off of some random bad guy. I don't understand why they made 'the obligatory carrot on the sitck' your appearance as well as your powers. It just doesn't make sense.  It feels to me as if the notion of becoming more powerful should serve as all anyone needs for motivation. Don't get me wrong, a few bonus costume pieces are nice here and there, but don't hide 90% of the costume pieces as random drops and give the crappy 10%.

    Great videos by the way. "Oh the skull? Don't mind that. I was young...stuck my head in a microwave." hahaha

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    #6  Edited By weegieanawrench

    That's a pretty bad character creator man. The cinematic was pretty awesome though except for the fact that everyone, including Wonder Woman, sounds like the goddamned Hulk. 
    I hope you post some game play later on, these videos are quite entertaining!

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    #7  Edited By Smedles
    @Enigma777:  @PrimeSynergy: You can keep your initial appearance while you pick up new gear.  In the PDA there is the Style tab which overrides items in the Inventory tab.  You can look the way you want to while still having the stats of your newer items.   
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    #8  Edited By Sethster

    Like the video shows, just equip the new items and select your items from the style tab and select the lock.  Now you will keep your original appearance, but have the stats of the newer items. 
    It is a clever idea, but some of the gear does look pretty good too!

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    #9  Edited By BabyChooChoo
    @Smedles:  Oh I know that. I I think that's cool. It's just, in my mind, I would like to create the perfect superhero right from the start. I don't want to collect costume pieces in order to create the perfect superhero later if that makes any sense. It's really just me being picky though I guess.
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    #10  Edited By Hailinel
    @PrimeSynergy said:
    " @Smedles:  Oh I know that. I I think that's cool. It's just, in my mind, I would like to create the perfect superhero right from the start. I don't want to collect costume pieces in order to create the perfect superhero later if that makes any sense. It's really just me being picky though I guess. "
    That's just part of game design.  It wouldn't make sense for an MMO like this to allow you to make the perfect character to your liking from appearance to powers right out of the gate.  It's something you have to invest time (and in this case, a month subscription) into.
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    #11  Edited By BabyChooChoo
    @Hailinel said:
    " @PrimeSynergy said:
    " @Smedles:  Oh I know that. I I think that's cool. It's just, in my mind, I would like to create the perfect superhero right from the start. I don't want to collect costume pieces in order to create the perfect superhero later if that makes any sense. It's really just me being picky though I guess. "
    That's just part of game design.  It wouldn't make sense for an MMO like this to allow you to make the perfect character to your liking from appearance to powers right out of the gate.  It's something you have to invest time (and in this case, a month subscription) into. "
    I guess. It's just coming from Champions/CoH, I feel kind of spoiled in the sense that I could make the hero look the way I wanted from day 1 and the idea of becoming more powerful was what I invested my time in. Don't get me wrong though, I may do all this complaining, but I'm picking up that game later this month haha
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    #12  Edited By matt
    @Driadon:  I don't how I managed to confuse a WW2 RTS game with a super hero mmo but I found a way. Thanks for spotting that.
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    #13  Edited By Dunchad

    Considering the setting of the game, I think it makes some sense that you can pick up new styles during the gameplay. I mean, you're just a normal guy who suddenly received super powers so you're just making it up as you go. 
    My main problem with the game so far is the worthless targeting (I need hold down L1 to have it stick? And I can't cycle through the mobs?) that makes ranged attacks and non-AoE power usage a pain. If I could just press L1 to lock on to the nearest mob and pressing it again would cycle through the nearby mobs, I would be happy - that way I could take out the strongest guys first.  
    I'm playing the game on a PC with a controller, since the control scheme just seems wrong for keyboard&mouse setup - so I'm not sure if it would be better that way. Might have to try it at some point.
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    #14  Edited By Doctorchimp
    @Matt: Wow, you should definitely do an update on DCU online, your british voice was damn soothing my friend. 
    Also for future reference, calm the fuck down when you do these...PLEASE. I'm already well aware of what I'm getting myself into when I click on a character creation video, don't worry about it taking too long. Take your time and look at your options. Like when you were looking at colors and you freaked cause you thought it would only let you change 3 colors, when I saw the head, teeth, gloves, etc. I was actually getting just a tad annoyed.  
    All it does is waste even more time as I sit here and wonder why you didn't just relax and see your options before you click randomly. Methodical and steady, don't try to crank it out you'll only mess up. There's a reason Brad rubs people the wrong way sometimes, some of it stems from his weird habits while recording games or rushes ahead and pays for it...yet he never learns...

    I was actually hoping you'd show everything since I've yet to see the whole character creation in this game, like maybe a quick scroll through the templates. But you did a pretty good anyway! I hope I see more soon.

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