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    Game » consists of 21 releases. Released Feb 22, 2011

    Stylish, ludicrous kills net big points in this ridiculously over-the-top first-person shooter.

    krampus's Bulletstorm (PlayStation 3) review

    Avatar image for krampus

    Kick Punch Boom Fart

    To say that Bulletstorm isn't for everyone is something that is pretty obvious by now.  This game is definitely trying to have as much 'pulp' as possible.  With its mix of insane violence and potty mouth talk that is far more dick in cheek rather than tongue, it's easy to understand how someone can be turned off of a game that is constantly trying to turn you on.  That said there is plenty here to keep coming back for.  With multiple ways to dismember enemies and a terrain that is really beautiful and full of life that wants to kill you at every second, even the flaws are shoved in the back closet by how incredibly fun this game is.
    Bulletstorm is fast, intense and because it is a bit on the short side (8 hour campaign) you will want to ask yourself, 'Does this game bare replaying?'  For me the answer is a loud and resounding yes.  If you are tired of the way most FPS have become and are looking for something that encourages you do do things differently every where you go, or a FPS where you can just burst into a room and kick some ass, then this is for you.  That's not to say it isn't challenging, it is but more so on the level of maximizing how effectively you can kill someone instead of shooting as many people in the head as quickly as possible.  The variety of weapons really help as each has something unique or offer and once you get them all you will be able to devastate everything that crosses your path.  I almost wish they have incorporated a river of blood from Grayson's slaughter in here somehow.  And speaking of Grayson, it should be noted that this game is far more cohesive as a story than would have been expected.  Not only do you follow Grayson on the path of redemption, but there is enough character development that you will hate Sarano and want Grayson, Ishi and Triska to triumph. 
    That said Bulletstorm is not without flaws.  I did feel the beginning is a little slow paced, it takes a good 20 minutes before you get the leash and start racking up points.  I also think that it is a bit too easy to get three stars in the echoes mode, if you are even moderately proficient at the campaign then the echoes will be easy, but they are still incredibly fun to try and rack up as many points as possible.  While the multiplayer is a good time, the experience is varied depending on who you play with.  It's something that is easier if you have friends  who understand that you have to work as a team rather than everyone trying to solo their own points.   There were also a few glitches, AI getting stuck, points in echoes not submitting on the first try and one time I jumped over a barrier and out of the map.  But it is nothing that has been a deal breaker, at least for myself.
    I can understand someone not wanting to play this game.  It's a bit different and the language is ridickulous (get it? I said dick in a place it doesn't belong).  But if you are able to enjoy or over look this and are in the market for a game that is fast, violent and lets you shoot out a mans asshole then this is exactly what you are looking for.

    Other reviews for Bulletstorm (PlayStation 3)

      Vociferous and vehement in every way 0

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      A balls to the wall shooter that kicks those balls hard. 0

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      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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