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Worth Reading: 09/06/2013

It's all about sports games and sasquatches this week, though there's probably some other stuff in here, too.

Is it strange to dread the release of a new game? Next week, we’ll see the release of Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, the sequel to what I would consider, easily, the scariest game ever made.

One anticipates a new Amnesia with a mixture of fear, loathing, and excitement. I remember the first time I tried playing Amnesia. My wife and I were visiting her family in Omaha, Nebraska for Thanksgiving, and an afternoon of drinking had put everyone in bed rather early. I wasn’t ready to call it quits, though, so I snuck a beer upstairs, loaded up this “Amnesia thing” on my MacBook (yes, Amnesia will run on just about anything), and spent maybe 20 minutes with it before deciding this was neither the time nor the place to begin engaging with a game like this. Click!

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I didn’t come back to Amnesia until several years later, and I cannot remember what prompted me to return. Maybe the sequel had been announced? I’m not sure. It doesn’t really matter, but when I crossed the finishing line, I wanted someone to tap me on the shoulder and hand me a t-shirt that said “congratulations, you finished Amnesia.” On second thought, had anyone tapped me on the shoulder when the credits rolled on Amnesia, I might have stabbed them with a pen.

Someone on Tumblr asked me what the appeal of horror was, and wondered why it never did anything for them. I gave them two answers.

One, horror is akin to comedy, and if you consider what it might be like to explain why a joke is funny to someone, it suddenly makes way more sense. (This is what I find so remarkable about the Cards Against Humanity guys, actually. Listening to them break down why cards do and don’t work scratches an intellectual itch for comedic structure that I didn’t know I had.)

Two, horror reacts to what you, the viewer, bring to the table. It preys and exploits your weaknesses, whether it’s a childhood experience that left a lingering impression (i.e. I’ve never felt comfortable in water I cannot see the bottom of, so Jaws slayed me) or an irrational reaction (i.e. alien abductions continue to drive me up the wall). Each person is different, though some of the best horror recognizes universal fears and is able to gain a wider audience. Consider why Paranormal Activity works. We’ve all heard bumps in the night, but what if those bumps in the night were caused by something? A creaky door now becomes...menacing.

The question has given me much to consider, and I’ll have to think about it for a larger piece when I’ve finally played through both Outlast and Amensia: A Machine for Pigs. Too bad there’s not a time machine to let me skip forward two weeks in my life, and know the deed is truly done.

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Worth Playing: 09/06/2013

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And You Should Read These, Too

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Sports games are weird. They sell millions of copies year after year on the promise that advancement has been made. I’m not one to judge whether that happens or not, as I’m barely able to keep up with TV football, let alone apply that tiny bit of knowledge to actually playing a game simulating it. It’s especially weird when the non-sports writers among us find ourselves being pitched on the new edition of X Sports Game 2014. Totilo highlights the absurdity of what’s happening, and breaks down why it’s interesting with appreciable detail.

"For two years, I've been privy to a pair of semi-public teardowns of the previous year's EA Sports games. They've happened each of the last two springs as part of a press preview of the fall's big games from EA. Since we're in the midst of EA Sports' big 2013 sports releases—NCAA Football 14 and Madden 25 have now been released; NHL 14 and FIFA 14 are still forthcoming—I thought it'd be a good time to tell you about what I've come to look forward to as two of the weirdest hours of my year as a video game reporter.P

I leave these two-hour sessions amused, impressed and a bit bewildered. It's commendable that game developers are iterating on the finest details of their games, spotting old flaws and fixing them. But it's weird, right? It's weird that this happens—that the same game has to be monkeyed with year after year to... make it better? Make it different enough to sell again?"

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Simon Parkin writes a new story, Patrick Klepek links to the new story. It’s been heartening to see more games writing in The New Yorker, and Parkin goes down a rabbit hole that I’d wish more games writers would, myself included. There are so many people doing so many different things with games, and most stories go terribly unnoticed. Here, Parkin talks to the people obsessed with finding sasquatch in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, people who are unwilling to face the reality of hard data to continue the search for “truth”--their version of the truth, anyway. Makes me think I should return to that feature on Resident Evil 1.5 that I've been kicking around.

"In 2004, Rob Silver was driving his truck through Back o Beyond when he caught sight of something in the thicket. “Out of the corner of the television screen I saw a large, tall, dark figure,' he said. 'It happened twice, both times during that first year. To this day, I’ve not come across the creature again.' Earlier this year, Kaleb Krimmel, a teen-ager from Michigan, had a similar experience. 'I have seen strange figures in the fog before, but pedestrians can sometimes appear in weird places,” he said. 'While this sort of computer error describes most of my encounters, this time was different. I was in Back o Beyond, walking up a hill. It was foggy out, but behind some plants I clearly saw a giant black figure. I aimed my camera to take a picture, but by the time I steadied the viewfinder it was gone.'"

If You Click It, It Will Play

Like it or Not, Crowdfunding Isn't Going Away

Tweets That Make You Go "Hmmmmmm"

I want to hit my head with a hammer so I can play Wind Waker again for the first time. That's a rational thought, right?

— BenKuchera (@BenKuchera) September 6, 2013

As I've gained a larger audience, I've paid more attention to how my words affect people. That's not censorship, it's responsibility.

— Max Scoville (@MaxScoville) September 4, 2013

Listening to Jesse regail a story of how some snooty "old gaming media" types looked down on him until he told them his sub numbers.

— Totalbiscuit (@Totalbiscuit) September 5, 2013

A Series of Responses to Mike Krahulik's Recent Comments

Oh, And This Other Stuff

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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@seveword: You summed up my thoughts much more eloquently then I ever could have.

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@moonwalksa: Not buying the discrepancy without sources.

I don't have one for violence because I have yet to see any properly conclusive study about how videogames and other media relate to violence (and it's annoying to search for because of so much sensationalized bullshit around the subject), but a lot of the reasons behind sexism can be explained by the idea of in-group bias and out-group exclusion (that is, people naturally like to feel like they belong to a group, and one of the harmful attitudes that can arise from that is considering themselves better than people who don't belong to that group). Those two concepts don't really apply to viewing violent images, but they absolutely apply to seeing small ways in which one could consider men better than women (or vice versa).

Just use the terms "in-group" and "out-group" to find more if you like, maybe coupled with "sexism", but here's an article about it that wasn't hidden behind a paywall like so many psychological studies unfortunately are:

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Edited By Sergio

@sergio: So in your opinion Mike has said nothing insensitive and the dickwolves shirts were an a-ok idea?


In my opinion the dickwolves comic is OK. The dickwolves shirts were a bad idea. But thanks for completely missing what I said and attributing the opposite to me. This shit is par for the course for all these non-troversies.

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Congratulations on marrying someone with Omaha ties. If she's an east side girl, that is. West side can get snubbed.

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I didn't know what the whole "dickwolf" thing was when they talked about it on the AM show, and looking at the timeline here I was surprised it all started three years ago and is apparently still a reasonably big thing (that I've completely missed for three years.) Looking at the original comic it's hard to understand why it started such a furor. It's a guy who gets raped every night by imaginary creatures. No mention of women being raped. Is rape only allowed to be thought of as happening to women? Haven't we all seen Deliverance? Is it just the word "rape" that has to be completely exised from everything, because women might encounter it, and be tormented? The early responses I read to the comic seem to completely remove the man from the comic, and turn it into violence against women.

It looks like it all spiralled into something that the objectors could legitmately object to, though.

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It's the difference between saying "GTA might turn a normal person into a cop killer" and saying "GTA might have some small influence on how a normal person looks at organized crime."

The first is saying that the medium compels the consumer to specific action, the second merely suggests that it has a basic socializing effect.

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Its actually been really fascinating watching Totalbiscuit (and other youtubers) channels grow, I got hooked in when he was doing WoW videos 3 or 4 years ago, and its amazing to see how the little things, like mic quality and video bumpers have improved so much.

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The easter eggs and, even more, the myths associated with San Andreas are what made it the best game of the generation for me. I spent weeks on it placing clues together with an online community searching for various myths. It was amazing... doubt there will ever be anything like it again. I hope GTA V has that same sort of mystery with it.

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Man I had no idea the dickwolves thing had turned in to such a shit storm. And to think I use to have so much respect for mike and jerry, what a terrible thing they've been doing. urgh

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Edited By nsmb2_mario

@kentonclay: See, that's the problem. The "violence" argument is also that games make people more prone to disregarding authority, being lazy and flunking out of school. Which is the same as saying games make you hate men / women, because clearly they don't make you into a rapist, which is a violent crime, if that were true I would consider it a problem. In my opinion, they're both sides of the same coin.

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Edited By MudMan

Actually the first page of comments of that Rachel Ededin piece is very interesting, including a very civil discussion between a rape victim who supports Krahulik and several other people on both sides of the fence. Didn't keep exploring to see if it gets nasty anywhere.

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Wow @patrickklepek, I wasn't sure if you were gonna share the Total War story on to Worth Reading and you didn't need to, but cool. Thanks for sharing the story on here.

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Let me go ahead and express just how predictable it is that you completely ignored what MoonwalkSA posted and then completely missed kentonclay's point about the distinction between influencing action and influencing attitudes.

@kentonclay: See, that's the problem. The "violence" argument is also that games make people more prone to disregarding authority, being lazy and flunking out of school. Which is the same as saying games make you hate men / women, because clearly they don't make you into a rapist, which is a violent crime, if that were true I would consider it a problem. In my opinion, they're both sides of the same coin.

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Edited By nsmb2_mario

@groverat: I ignored the post because an idea is not solid proof of anything. It is only as valid as ideas about violence and video games without any supporting evidence.

Thanks for predictably ignoring the content of my post.

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Sports games are great every year.

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Penny Arcade has been a staple of my "Funny Stuff" folder for more than 11 years now. I've watched the art and the jokes change over the years, and during that time, the creators have come more out of the shadows, for better or worse.

People grow and change, but these two are doing it on the public stage. You're watching two young men become legitimate adults. When most of us are confronted with new information and have to change our opinions, we do it privately. For better or worse, Jerry and Mike have to do it in front of a few million gamers.

For example, I am 35. Last year I took a graduate class that involved a large component about racial identity theories. Until then, I adamantly denied the existence of "white privilege". By the end of the class, I still feel that about 50% of racial "theory" is unsupportable fantasy - but - there are a lot of elements that I, as a white male American, had never even considered.

In light of new information, I came to a new conclusion - that while I don't necessarily believe there is a "shadow system" of legislators, bankers, police, and others who sit in darkened rooms laughing about keeping minorities oppressed, there are still elements of society (intentional and unintentional) that I simply don't have to experience, and that this is by itself a privilege. If I get turned down for a credit card, well, my credit wasn't good enough. If I don't get good service in a store, it's because the clerk is an idiot. But for others, there are lingering doubts that maybe the loan officer is racist, or a fancy store doesn't want "my kind" in there. These kinds of experiences are very real to people, and so they shouldn't be ignored, because they are a part of their emotional landscape.

Now, look at me before that class - if you had asked me about all the privilege I enjoy, as a dude who works 40 hours a week but still has to pay the full cash payment for a doctor's office visit, and drives a 10 year old car (wife has a 15 year old car), I would have been pretty rude, and probably made some offensive comment about how people should worry less about racists and worry more about their own life performance. After the class, I would have said, "Well, I think there are a lot of parts of this society I won't ever fully understand, but I certainly face a lot fewer obstacles in my life than I might otherwise have to, which is a real problem for society at large." It's not exactly a KKK to NAACP turn around story, since I wasn't close to the KKK level of depravity to begin with, but it represents a mind taking in new information, considering it carefully, and deciding that old values are outdated and must be replaced.

In this context, if I had been a public figure in the gaming community, I would already be labeled a racist, and my turnaround would be considered some form of hypocrisy, born only out of my desire to get out of trouble. Whatever game I worked on or site I wrote for would be lambasted for employing such racist scum. Although many might accept my admission that I was wrong before, the vocal few would talk about how I contribute to "racial oppression" and how people like me shouldn't be allowed a public forum.

I can't speak to Mike's internal motivations - I've never met the man. Like a lot of artists, he is quick to get very emotional, and quick to defend his work, and that gets him in a ton of trouble. Then, when he says, "You know what, guys, I've been a real asshole and I'm sorry", people don't want to let him out of it.

Well, that's tough, guys. You can support him, and Penny Arcade, or not. But part of being an adult is learning to responsibly change your mind or admit you're wrong, and when somebody does that, adults will respond by saying, "I forgive you" or "I don't forgive you", but they don't linger around for months, saying, "I demand that this person cease existing in the public space because I don't find their apology to be of sufficient fervor/sincerity/length/etc!"

In short: If you don't believe that Mike has apologized correctly for you, then stop visiting his site and don't give him the traffic or revenue. Make your views heard, and drop the issue. But otherwise, consider that what you are watching is a normal grown man who is trying to improve, not some magic pillar of virtue that should never be wrong who has somehow betrayed a set of values that you expected him to follow.

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@tehsorrow - Maybe because racist/sexist/homophobic attitudes are a huge problem both in the gaming community and among the type of people who likely make up the majority of GB's fanbase? (Or a secret lesbian conspiracy?)

I'm sure there's an element of issue-fatigue to it not being discussed on the Bombcast, but if you look at the PAX audience's reaction to Krahulik saying that pulling the dickwolves merch was the biggest mistake Khoo ever made you see a fairly powerful motivation for any kind of political speech to stay off the Bombcast. Why alienate part of your fanbase, even if it is part of your fanbase that you disagree with? The Bombcast is not the venue for that.

(Short version: Because a lot of their fans refer to serious issues as "tiresome" because those issues aren't directly related to them.)

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Edited By smilng_goomba
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Totalbiscuit talking about sub numbers - is important for the personal finances of big youtube channels, but a rather meaningless piece of information to the rest of us. It's the kind of boasting that drove me to unfollow him on twitter.

One of the reasons I prefer outlets like Giant Bomb or Polygon, is for writers like Patrick Klepek and Phil Kollar - neither of whom have ever flaunted their connections with the game industry or their large number of viewers and readers as a form of bragging rights.

Youtubers and conventional games writers/press are becoming part of the same field and I have no desire to watch Totalbiscuit if that sort of adversarial attitude is how he treats his peers. I guess he's just as angry now as he was when he was a WoW podcaster.

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Edited By nsmb2_mario

@groverat: The issues aren't relevant to gaming either, that's why it's tiresome.

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Edited By Scrawnto

@corvak: I think that just stems from the Youtubers being an emerging force. The same thing happened when webcomics were just starting to become popular. A lot of traditional cartoonists talked down to them, and so the web cartoonists shot back. As these guys mature, and as the traditional press start to take them more seriously (not necessarily personally, but as people with sway), that sort of thing will happen less.

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@groverat: The issues aren't relevant to gaming either, that's why it's tiresome.

I always wonder why gaming is so desperate to be considered an art form, and yet resists the same cultural criticism that novels and movies have undergone for decades.

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Backed Shantae thanks to this article. I enjoyed the DSiWare game and played a little of the GBC game too. Good platformers.

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Hello, everybody, the good shoping place, the new season approaching, click in.

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Edited By ruthj240

my roomate's sister-in-law makes $75 every hour on the laptop. She has been out of work for 6 months but last month her paycheck was $20467 just working on the laptop for a few hours. >>>>>>>>