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Giant Bomb News


World of War-laugh!

I promise that the rest of this post won't be as painfully unfunny as that headline.

It's everyone's favorite comedy troll!
It's everyone's favorite comedy troll!
While the Giant Bomb posse has been out here in Japan covering the Tokyo Game Show and not drinking enough water, on the other side of the puddle, BlizzCon 2008 has come and gone. There were certainly some big announcements to come out of this celebration of all things Blizzard, including the revelation that Starcraft II will actually be three games, and the unveiling of the Wizard class in Diablo III. I don't have that profound personal attachment that Blizzard games have a knack for fostering, so the most exciting thing to come out of BlizzCon for me was the closing ceremony comedy stylings of Mr. Patton Oswalt, which the goodly folks at Joystiq have posted an audio version of.

I've been a fan of Patton's simultaneously vulgar and geeky brand of humor for nigh on ten years now, and while he confesses that it's been a while since he's played any video games, he's enough of an obsessive, socially awkward dork that when he rags on the BlizzCon attendees for their vitamin D intake, it's definitely laughing-with and not laughing-at. Jay Mohr, Jamie Kennedy, take note: if you yourself don't identify as some kind of nerd, making fun of the nerds basically makes you a jock.