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Giant Bomb News


This Life With David Hasselhoff

EA and The Hoff keep the jokes coming for Red Alert 3.

A celebrity endorsement you can trust.
A celebrity endorsement you can trust.
While part of the draw of the C&C series for me has been rooted in the fact that the campiness seemed unintentional, I have to admit, I'm finding the self-aware goofiness that EA has gotten into for Red Alert 3 pretty appealing. If you haven't seen it yet, check out Conquer This Life, a mock infomercial for RA3 that pitches the game as a life-changing self-improvement product using questionable facts, with the pitchman being none other than David Hasselhoff. Highlights include the evils of dolphins, socialist bears, Red Alert 3's effect on test scores, unnecessary bleeps, and Hasselhoff's aggressively unbuttoned shirt. Further proving EA's commitment to the gag is a working 800 number where a non-sequitur-filled Hasselhoff gets interviewed by the automated phone system robot. It's mostly just amusing, but when you employ a walking punchline like David Hasselhoff for promotional purposes, it doesn't take much for the whole affair to get bogged down in desperation. Fortunately, he plays it just straight enough for it to work. Or, maybe at this point he just doesn't know the difference between good acting and bad. As for Red Alert 3 itself, I have to echo the Hoff's sentiment of “if I was going to play video games, I'd sure as hell consider this one.”