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Giant Bomb News


The Community Spotlight 2019.12.07

White smoke has emitted. Envelopes have been sealed. And now we wait. While you're waiting, check out the best from the GB Community this week!

*promo image by @fobwashed

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host as we look back at the best creative offerings from the Giant Bomb community! And we are officially in the midst of GOTY content production! For those who may have noticed, there were not a ton of Giant Bomb streams or Quick Looks this week. The reason is pretty simple. The staff have been busy recording and producing 2019's GOTY #content. As such, please be patient as the staff work on providing you hours upon hours of hilarity and joy. With that slight disclaimer out of the way, let's jump into the site-related housekeeping!

Giant Bomb Galleria

Giant Bomb Metal Band Logo (By: @hamst3r)

Not everyone enjoys heavy metal, but I think EVERYONE can enjoy this heavy metal inspired design from Hamst3r imagining Giant Bomb as a metal band!

No Caption Provided

Giant Bomb Staff Doodles (By: @danauer)

Giant Bomb and GameSpot design lead, Dan Auer, whipped up another batch of doodles related to the Giant Bomb staff I hope you all can enjoy.

No Caption Provided

Vinny and Alex Twitter Photoshop Tomfoolery

(Images #1 through #3: @jearum) (Images #4: @UppercaseCCC) (Image #5: @dustysculptures)

Earlier in the week, Rorie posted a funny image of Vinny and Alex on the Giant Bomb Twitter account. Predictably, a handful of Giant Bomb users photoshopped the image within minutes and here are a few for you to enjoy!

Community Activities

Official Santa Hat Extravaganza/Hootenanny/Shindig 2019! (By: @mightyduck)

IT'S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN! Giant Bomb users everywhere are donning Santa hats to their avatars and if you need help photoshopping one to yours, here's a link to our "Official Santa Hat Extravaganza!"

Tweets Of The Week

Best Of Blogs

Probably my personal favorite Wii game of all time.
Probably my personal favorite Wii game of all time.

What Is Your Preferred Brand Of "Super Hard?" (By: @nodima)

Giant Bomb user Nodima uses their latest blog to examine the games the prefer playing on harder difficulties and the games they outright refuse to play above "normal." Se where their gaming difficulty tolerance stands, and feel free to share your two cents' worth!

Gaming Memories: Super Mario Galaxy (By: @majormitch)

MajorMitch has a lot of fond memories playing Super Mario Galaxy and uses their latest blog to look back at the game. If you are in the same boat, use the link to share your personal memories of the game.

Them Nintendo Phone-y Games (By: @bonbolapti)

bonbolapti decided to try out THREE phone/mobile games based on Nintendo properties or produced by the legendary company. See which ones they loved and hated using the link above!

Are all Nintendo mobile game created equal? Read bonbolapti's blog to find out!
Are all Nintendo mobile game created equal? Read bonbolapti's blog to find out!

Strands And The Spaces Between +

Stranded With My Thoughts (SPOILERS!) (By: @mooseymcman)

MooseyMcMan shares their full impressions of Death Stranding, first its gameplay and mechanics and second its story and ending. Be warned, their second blog is a highly SPOILER-filled blog post about the game's narrative! If you want to join a spoiler-related discussion about the game, then that is the blog for you!

Go! Go! GOTY! 2019: Game One: Baba is You +

Go! Go! GOTY! 2019: Game Two: Horace +

Go! Go! GOTY! 2019: Game Three: Pikuniku (By: @mento)

Moderator Mento is trying to tackle a bunch of games from 2019 before the deluge of GOTY discussions!First, they share if Baba is You has any hope of cracking their end of the year list! Second, Mento put Paul Helman & Sean Scaplehorn's Horace under the microscope! Is it worthy of being on their 2019 GOTY list? Use the link to find out! Finally, they played the colorful platformer, Pikuniku to see if it really is everything people say it is.

Obligatory 2019 GOTY Blog (By: @jasonr86)

And the Death Stranding discussions continue unabated!
And the Death Stranding discussions continue unabated!

We still have some time before 2019 officially ends, but Giant Bomb user JasonR86 does not anticipate any of the games set to release between now and January to wow them as much as the games on their 2019 GOTY blog. Give it a read and discover which games they enjoyed the most this year!

2019 Had Too Many Good Games (By: @ltsquigs)

Friend of the site, LtSquigs, went ahead and used their five favorite games from 2019 to detail why the year was a far stronger year for games than most are giving it credit for!

Join The Discussion

When will the Matser Chief Collection every have a
When will the Matser Chief Collection every have a "smooth" launch?

The Master Chief Collection 'Curse' Continues (By: @yesiamaduck)

A LOT of Giant Bomb users have said they are having issues with the PC port of Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Some continue to experience inconsistent matchmaking and others have found the music and audio "off." If that includes you, feel free to join this thread and report your issues.

Games With Programmable AI? (By: @relenus)

Here's a fun discussion thread on the Giant Bomb forums! Can you think of any "modern" games with programmable AI or movement? Can you think of a video game on par mechanically with the board game RoboRally?

Best Boss Fight of 2019? (By: @development)

Which games do you think had the "best" boss fights? Are there specific encounters or battles that spring to mind? Share and discuss your picks using the link above!

Are you bummed this game will likely never see the light of day?
Are you bummed this game will likely never see the light of day?

In The Valley Of Gods Put On Hold (By: @glots)

What do you make of In the Valley of Gods being "put on hold?" Do you think this is the end, or does the game have any hope later down the line? Were you excited to play it when it was first announced?

What Games Will Be Announced At The Game Awards? (By: @rejizzle)

The Game Awards are this week and that usually means new game reveals! What games do YOU think will be announced at the 2019 Game Awards? Current top suggestions include Batman, Metroid Prime 4, and Bluepoint's Demon's Souls remake.

They're Making A, Uh...Starship Troopers RTS? (By: @rorie)

It turns out there's going to be a new RTS based on the Starship Troopers franchise. Are any of you excited? Regardless, share your hopes and/or concerns about the game with the rest of the community.

It's time for Super Mario Maker 2 to get WEIRD!
It's time for Super Mario Maker 2 to get WEIRD!

Super Mario Maker 2 Version 2 Discussion Thread (By: @quantris)

Giant Bomb has always had an active Mario Maker community. If that includes you, what is YOUR REACTION to the new update for Super Mario Maker 2? Can you already imagine the levels you'll create with the new tools?

Lovable Lists

I'm not gonna lie, Rejizzle's list is worth checking out just for its well-executed joke.
I'm not gonna lie, Rejizzle's list is worth checking out just for its well-executed joke.

Top Ten Switch Ports of 2019 (By: @drachmalius)

Drachmalius has enjoyed their fair share of "ports" on their Nintendo Switch. Thus, they made this list annotating their favorite Switch ports of all-time.

List Of Things Koji Igarashi Should Do Now That Bloodstained Is Done (By: @rejizzle)

If you are in need of a good laugh, check out this humorous list by Giant Bomb user Rejizzle titled "List of things Koji Igarashi should do now that Bloodstained is done."

Favorites of the Decade: 2010 - 2019 (By: @grindspark)

Giant Bomb user GrindSpark is still mulling over their 2019 GOTY list, but that did not stop them from making a list of their favorite games in the past decade.

Useful User Reviews

It too wanted to like Blasphemous more than I did!
It too wanted to like Blasphemous more than I did!


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Reviews: 0

User Lists: 14

Witcher Vinny is best.

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That front page image is incredible.

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User Lists: 9

That front page image is incredible.

Instant wallpaper for me. Really great!

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Shame those photoshops don't have the Yakuza Hooligans one that's on r/giantbomb.

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Reviews: 20

User Lists: 18

"We asked local lore madman Vinny Caravella about some lore!"

Seriously, though, I think Witcher 3 is a contender for having the best ending in videogames. And a big part of that was they took the plunge and actually ENDED IT (as opposed to needing to contrive a way to dump you back into the open-world, or flagrantly sequel baiting).

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User Lists: 6

@undeadpool: The ending I got could DEFINITELY and easily be spun into a sequel.

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Reviews: 40

User Lists: 16

No Abby or Ben in the @danauer GB staff doodle??

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Reviews: 0

User Lists: 12