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Giant Bomb News


The Community Spotlight - 07/28/2018

We hope you find this Community Spotlight a little more enticing than a plate of microwaved lasagna.

Many thanks to Marino for this amazing work of Photoshop!
Many thanks to Marino for this amazing work of Photoshop!

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host this wonderful week. With the weather reaching all-time highs for many of you I hope you have been staying safe and cool this summer. Either way, the Giant Bomb community has been up to plenty of cool stuff worth marveling over. We have some big pieces of house-keeping to address first, so let's jump right into it this week!

Community Activities

The Giant Bomb Community Dota 2 Discord Server And Steam Group Chat (By: @fredddi43)

If you plan on enjoying The International 2018, the Giant Bomb DOTA 2 community Discord and Steam group want you to join their discussions about the event!

Giant ROM 5 - The Giant Bomb Game Jam V (By: @zandravandra)

Hey everyone, the Giant Bomb Game Jam, Giant ROM, has started! Even if you are late, you can still support the community's efforts!


Giant Bomb Galleria

MLB The Show 18 Giant Bomb Uniforms (By: @kittyapoc)

Giant Bomb user KittyApoc made some baller Giant Bomb themed uniforms in MLB The Show 18. Click the link if you want to know how to download them to your game.

Fusion Frenzy Frenzy Stats (By: @toxicantidote)

Did you want the complete statistics on the "Fuzion Frenzy Frenzy" video from last week? Giant Bomb user ToxicAntidote has you covered, graphs included!

No Caption Provided

Tweets Of The Week

Author's note:The following Tweets were in response to a humorous request by TurboMan after the main Giant Bomb account wished everyone a "Happy Monday!"

Best Of Blogs

Look at these GRADE-A trash boys!
Look at these GRADE-A trash boys!

Growing Up With Giant Bomb (By: @gjsmitty)

User GJSmitty talks about how growing up with Giant Bomb inspired them to become a journalist and explore a career in writing. It's an inspirational blog in case you needed a pick me up.

Fighting Final Fantasy XIII - Episode 2: Yo Square, How Do You Make A JRPG Without ANY Good Characters? (By: @zombiepie)

Moderator ZombiePie continues their series about Final Fantasy XIII! This week they question how Square got away with making a game without any likable characters and nominates Hope and Ken Amada from Persona 3 to the "Trash Boy Hall of Fame."

The Keyblade Chronicles - Episode One (Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - Parts 01-05) (By: @danielkempster)

danielkempster started their long journey through Kingdom Hearts! Here's the first episode, and predictably they're already having a hard time wrapping their mind around the premise.

CPT Update 07/23/18 (By: @mago)

Whether it's the Asia Southeast Two Online Event or Defend the North event, Giant Bomb user Mago is back with the UPDATED list of the Capcom Pro Tour rankings!

Gaming Memories: Burnout Paradise (By: @majormitch)

MajorMitch uses their latest blog to explain why it's the silly little details that continues to draw them back to Burnout Paradise. They even profess a fondness for DJ Atomica.

danielkempster is committed to their Kingdom Hearts series!
danielkempster is committed to their Kingdom Hearts series!

July Vita Lineup And Upcoming Titles (By: @blacklagoon)

BlackLagoon is back with their one and only PlayStation Vita monthly lineup! If you want the DEFINITIVE list of every game released on the Vita, look no further than HERE!

Saturday Summaries 2018-07-28: Already Long Enough Edition (By: @mento)

Mento's weekly round-up includes new blogs on Majyuuou and SimCity for the SNES, the Life is Strange mini-story The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, "completing" Yakuza 5, and a lot of confused musings about Twin Peaks: The Return.

Join The Discussion

People seem to be enjoying No Man's Sky, but what say you?
People seem to be enjoying No Man's Sky, but what say you?

What Exactly No Man's Sky NEXT Has Changed List. Contributions Encouraged! (By: @the_ruiner)

Want a thread listing the changes NEXT brought to No Man's Sky? Well, this thread is for you! Are all the changes in No Man's Sky NEXT for the better? What are the big changes you noticed the most?

How Best to Restart No Man's Sky Debate (By: @bofooq)

Speaking of No Man's Sky, how are YOU dealing with your old No Man's Sky saves? Are you jumping into NEXT completely new, or trying to preserve your progress? Has carrying over your old save been a smooth process?

Favorite Beach Setting In Video Games (By: @thechris)

What is your favorite beach setting, environment, or level in a video game? Windjammers has to be my pick, but share and discuss your choice(s), and hopefully you can keep the discussion rolling!

If you wanted to know, this is my second favorite beach setting in a video game.
If you wanted to know, this is my second favorite beach setting in a video game.

One Handed Games (By: @haneybd87)

Calling all users! Giant Bomb user haneybd87 is dealing with major wrist issues and wants suggestions for good one-handed games! Help a duder out if you have any ideas.

Was Outlast The First Of The "Patrolling Enemy" Horror Games? (By: @gtb08)

The Giant Bomb horror game crowd requires your assistance! What was the first "patrolling enemy" horror game? Horror games where you're meant to find a way around foes rather than fight them.

Die Hard 4 > Die Hard 2. John McClane wrestles a literal jet! How is that worse than Die Hard 2?
Die Hard 4 > Die Hard 2. John McClane wrestles a literal jet! How is that worse than Die Hard 2?

Arc System Works 30th Anniversary (By: @darkbeatdk)

Arc System Works is celebrating its 30th anniversary! Join other Giant Bomb community members who have enjoyed their games using the link above, and before you ask, they've made more than just anime fighting games.

Ranking Of Die Hards (By: @nutter)

It's not ALL about video games on Giant Bomb. For example, we currently have a thread debating the definitive ranking of the Die Hard films! The big issue right now is whether to rank Die Hard 2 over Die Hard 4.

Should eSports Be A Part Of The Olympics? (By: @ntm)

It's a perennial topic whenever Summer reaches its peak, but this time we have a poll! Should eSports be a part of the Olympics? Vote and discuss the matter RIGHT NOW.

Happy 30th Anniversary Arc!
Happy 30th Anniversary Arc!

Oh, Worm? Secret Destiny 2 Mission And Weapon (By: @burncoat)

Calling all Destiny 2 fans? What are your impressions of the new secret mission on Io? Is completing the mission worth it? Share your impressions with everyone who has tried their hand at the mission.

Lovable Lists

Are you ready for the insanity of EVO 2018?
Are you ready for the insanity of EVO 2018?

Trailer Blazer: E3 2018 (Part Two) (By: @mento)

Mento continues their attempt to watch and review EVERY trailer uploaded to Giant Bomb during E3 2018. Check it out and leave a comment because at this point I think they might be a little stir-crazy.

Official EVO 2018 (August 3rd-5th) Lineup (By: @flstyle)

FLStyle usually creates a lineup of the games set to grace the main stage of EVO, and 2018 isn't any different! Check out this list if you are interested in knowing the games set to rock the FGC world this week.

An Honest Attempt At Cataloging Myst-likes (Work In Progress) (By: @janardana)

Janardana is in-progress on a list of every game that can be described as a "Myst-like." See if you can help them out with more examples over here

Useful User Reviews


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Wow, thanks for all the cursed images. That one on the top somehow reminds me of the painting "The Hands Resist Him."

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Tip of the hat for the inclusion

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John McClane wrestles a literal jet! How is that worse than Die Hard 2?

One could say that specific example is exactly why Die Hard 4 is worse than Die Hard 2.

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Those images of jeff are so good. Also hoping that GB does another look at all the games that come out of that game jam.

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That line graph is amazing.

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Edited By Jellybones

Oh man, that Jeff as Ninja Turtles guy 'shop!