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Giant Bomb News


Sony Releases New Skin Disorder for PlayStation

Hey kids, if your hands are starting to fall apart while you're playing your console, you're doing it wrong.

Sony!!! Stay the hell off my turf!
Sony!!! Stay the hell off my turf!
Hot on the heels of Wiitis and Nintendo Thumb, a new ailment has been associated with video games. This new skin disorder, affectionately called PlayStation palmar hidradentis, was documented in a young girl who had been regularly playing her PlayStation. Apparently she broke out in painful sores on her hands after playing for "several hours a day."
The doctors suspect that the problem was caused by tight and continuous grasping of the console's hand-grips, and repeated pushing of the buttons, alongside sweating caused by the tension of the game.
The sores did go away after she stopped playing for about 10 days. Sony really didn't have much to say when they were asked about the issue, partly because they are Sony and partly because...well, really, what the hell are you going to say? Every young male knows that if you death-grip anything for several hours a day you're going to experience some kind of detrimental physical effect.

Check out the full article.

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