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Giant Bomb News


Mirror's Edge Goes Behind Your Back

A quick file alteration gets you the third-person camera you always wanted in Mirror's Edge, but it's not quite a valid way to play the entire game.

Since today seems to be all about bringing you busted-up videos of games, take a look at the PC version of Mirror's Edge. If you get in there and edit some ini files, you can rig up a third-person, behind-the-back camera. Check it:


As you'll quickly notice, the animation on Faith is kind of half-finished. Also, apparently you can't actually look up or down when you're playing from this view. Still, even with all the unfinished stuff, the view looks pretty good to me.

If you want to give this a shot yourself, here's how to do it, as seen on the forums at On-Mirror's-Edge:

Go to "Documents\EA Games\Mirror's Edge\TdGame\Config\" open the file "TDInput" with notepad. Add this line to the "bindings" list:


then press F4 a few times!

Jeff Gerstmann on Google+