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Giant Bomb News


Mario Sports Mix Hitting in 2011

Man, Mario works for his money.

No longer allowed a vacation after a major release, Mario will return in 2011 in Mario Sports Mix, a colorful mini-game title that will drop the Nintendo mascot in a few activities he's never competed in before.

Sports Mix features a total of four familiar sports: volleyball, basketball, ice hockey, and dodgeball. But don't allow the conventional rule sets to muddy your vision of what the game is. Like all Mario sports titles, Sports Mix will feature twisted variations on the rules that make the mini-games more fun than what they would be if you and I got together for an afternoon. 

One of those rule wrinkles are coins. Each mini-game will have collectible coins that add bonus points to scores. There will also be power-up items that can change how the game works, Mario Kart-style offensive weapons, and even the levels will have their own tricks. To snag Nintendo's examples: a sliding volleyball court or bonus rings in the basketball game.  

Sports Mix is a Wii-exclusive that will support up to four players.