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LIVE BLOG: Microsoft

Join Dave as he live blogs the Microsoft Press Conference.

12:20 AM
My thoughts? Cool peripherals and nice X360 live features. But I wish I could get excited about some more pure games.

12:19 AM
Correction. I want Milo to be a 30 year old woman who like George RR Martin. OK this conference is totally done. 

12:18 AM
Milo stuff is over. Brilliant idea. I really don't mean to be skeptical, I hope that stuff works cuz it would be pretty mindblowing.

12:17 AM
I wonder if I can make Milo a 30 year old who enjoys George RR Martin novels. That would be pretty sweet.

12:16 PM
Notice that none of this is live. Completely scripted.

12:15 PM
Ok if this works the tech is great, but I'm doubtful. Either way the last thing I need is a fake friend. Remember the classic test of AI? If you can't tell you're talking to a computer, then AI is real.

12:14 PM
Trailer shows off "Milo". A character you can interact with. Do you think his nose grows when he lies?

12:13 PM
Peter points with his thumbs like Bill Clinton. He's talking about some Natal stuff. Lionhead is using it. They've got a video showing off some BTS action.

12:12 PM
Peter M is coming on to throw his awesome ears at us. I love this guy.

12:11 PM
Seriously, this guy looks like he came right off a poker tournament table.

12:10 PM
Oh man, we've got some terribly X-rated stuff going on with this twister party. "I've got some one-handed gestures myself" says bomber Blue.

12:08 PM
this is definitely not staged, cuz this painting is kinda weird looking. We need some mario paint action.

12:07 PM
Guy who looks like the grimace is totally painting up some Jackson Pollack action on the screen.

12:06 PM
Paint Party. Now we're getting kinky.

12:05 PM
Ricochet "keeps you in great shape". Man, this is just Wii stuff. Cool and all, but I already own this system.

12:04 PM
Girl dancing and bopping around. "She can play with my balls" whispering over my shoulder by an unknown whiskey staffer.

12:03 PM
Full body avatar looks extremely unnatural. Unless you're a russian contortionist.

12:02 PM
Dude, I lied, what the hell is this guy wearing. It looks like he jumped inside a Kangeroo.

12:01 PM
Speilberg is all about the far away kiss move. Weird.

12:00 PM
This guy made Jaws. Now he sells games.

11:59 AM
Steven is the best dressed. He looks like he walked off the Indiana Jones set. Talking about how hard it is to get into gaming. Looks like MS is going more casual.

11:57 AM
Steven Spielberg on stage. I hope he likes our TRex

11:56 AM
Having betaed 1 vs. 100 I can definitely tell you the motion control will be shit for it. That stuff requires split second timing.

11:55 AM
Apparently there's some of of chat program. Can anyone say "put it on my screen" Minority Report style. I'm so excited to use this to try on blazers and tieless shirts.

11:54 AM
"Can we make you the controller". Showing off the new motion controller for the system.  Looks like it's a camera that records your movements rather then use an actual device. The commercial for it looks very family oriented. Definitely taking on Nintendo here.

11:53 AM
Felecia Day is pretty hot. Thanks for asking Nasar7.

11:52 AM
I didn't hear anything about it being an exclusive title for 360 though.

11:51 AM
Looks like Raiden is the main character in Rising. "Raiden is back".

11:51 AM
Metal Gear coming to 360. Metal Gear Solid: Rising is a new game in the Franchise and will be on the 360.

11:50 AM
Kojima comes out to announce something with Metal Gear.

11:50 AM
Don Matrick (sp?) is out sporting the now common tieless suit combo.

11:49 AM
Waiting for the climax...

11:46 AM
Can capture screenshots and text from your games and post them directly to facebook. Looks like there is twitter integration as well. Doubt facebook is happy about that.

11:45 AM
You can sync your xbox live and facebook friends together. Share photos and generally share your life in way too many ways then you need.

11:44 AM
Live joins up with Facebook so that you can hook up with your buds through live.

11:42 AM
You can watch movies, tv and music on xbox live with your buddies. Dubbed "Live Party" you can view movies with a MST3K like background of avatars.

11:41 AM
"Zune Video" brings full 1080 HD movies. All movies can be watched instantly (wonder how they'll do that).

11:41 AM
Finally I can add movies to my Netflix from xbox. That should have been a day 1 feature. Looks like Sky TV will have live streaming for you Brit kids.

11:40 AM
I wonder how the stuff will work with the rumored Zune stuff?

11:39 AM will be on X360. Badass.

11:38 AM
Alan Wake due in Spring 2010.

11:37 AM
Definitely getting some Max Payne vibes here. The slow-mo stuff from the game seems similar, just cooler.

11:35 AM
Duders. Alan Wake is totally sporting a J. Allard hoodie/blazer combo. Coincidence?

11:34 AM
Alan Wake looks like it has some good scares. Just what gaming needs though, more zombies.

11:31 AM
Alan Wake has a looker for a wife, but she's kidnapped ala Keifer in the Vanishing. Trailer now showing some gameplay. The flashlight looks a little weird, and there's that Max Payne style narration going on while you play.

11:30 AM
Remedy guys are on the stage. They win the best dressed / best accent award. It's Alan Wake.

11:29 AM
Yep, Halo: Reach. Looks like all those achievement based guesses were totally called. "Falls 2010". ODST buyers will get a Reach multiplayer beta code.

11:28 AM
Could this be Halo: Reach?

11:27 AM
Lots of rocket launcher action in ODST. Seems a lot more team focused with scripted settings. Should be fun, but it looks a little bland to my eyes. Co-op mode called "firefight" will come with the game in October.

11:26 AM
You are "The Rookie". Looks like Halo. Definitely the most scripted of the gameplay showings. I'd LOVE to know if these guys are really playing. Anyone who has seen Quick Looks knows it ain't east to talk and shoot. What if this guy died like Quick Death Brad?

11:25 AM
Halo ODST finally on display. Dude in a Bungie shirt showing it off. Some dropship action. I wonder how they are gonna differentiate the troops since they all wear the same helmet.

11:24 AM
Not only is this guy's beard intense. But he has some serious stoner eyes.

11:23 AM
My favorite racer of all time? The original Need for Speed for the 3DO. i'm serious.

11:22 AM
Still waiting for the real games. Not terribly impressed yet. Hoping they are saving the best for last.

11:21 AM
Customization of skinning cars being shown. Actually looks pretty impressive.

11:20 AM
"One-button driving". Oh, I think my grandma used something like that.

11:19 AM
Forza graphics looks sharp. In cockpick stuff isn't as nice as what I've seen from Need for Speed SHIFT though. I'm still on hold till I see the Codemasters games.

11:18 AM
Dan Greenawalt (sp?) shows up with his awesome beard to talk up some Forza. He must have just eaten some pancakes.

11:17 AM
Turn 10 studios mission: "Win the racing game". Forza 3 trailer on display. Do you think Sony will ever release GT?

11:15 AM
Splinter Cell: Convction looks like a better version of the Bourne Identity fighting system. Consider me pumped. It is also EXCLUSIVE to xbox 360.

11:14 AM
I want this frenchman to narrate my live blogging. "Now Dave types about the frenchman. He is totally in the moment of typing. This is a new trick for Dave."

11:13 AM
TMCK points out the L4D2 logo only has two fingers on it. Nice catch. Gameplay for splinter Cell looks pretty cool. Lots of blurred backgrounds and shadows. We're getting a french tinged narration by the Ubi exec. if they are showing this now, I wonder what they have saved for their press conference. 

11:12 AM
Splinter Cell gameplay trailer? Wonder how much button pressing this guy is doing. Looks pretty scripted, but very pretty.

11:11 AM
Oh crap. Sorry, that was totally Splinter Cell. Haha, man, Im trying to type too fast. I guess that's my commentary on spy games!

11:10 AM
If someone can create game pages for these new games it would help out thanks. Alpha Protocol is now being shown. CG trailer. Looks nice but I'd love to see some more gameplay for it. Still, I trust Obsidian.

11:09 AM
Left 4 Dead 2. Nuff said. Looks sweet and bright.

11:08 AM
Crackdown 2 trailer was just shown. Also, apparently I'm getting shit for calling that translator "semi-hot". Dude, she was.

11:07 AM
Joyride is Free (likely freemium) and coming out this winter.

11:06 AM
Joy Ride is an arcade racer that lets you use your avatars. Looks like those achievement spills I posted earlier were right on so far.

11:05 AM
Alex Navarro just twittered

11:04 AM
Shadow Complex is a metroid like game with side scrolling huge-dungeon action. Looks kinda meh, but the metroid stuff might make it cool. Nice boss battles.

11:03 AM
Cliffy introduces a new XBOX arcade game. Dude who is introducing it is having a mike problem. He is not flustered. Oh, this is Shadow Complex. Total mic failure.

11:02 AM
Cliffy B taking the stage. Gears stuff?

11:01 AM
Thanks bombers, those MW2 map packs will be first on Xbox, not exclusive.

11:00 AM
As much as they try to trump up a new battle system for FF XIII, this still looks like the same old summoning madness of the previous games. There's lots of flower petals flying around. yeah, it's Final Fantasy alright.

10:59 AM
There is a man with an afro that totally has a little bird pet. I call plagiarism from Baldur's Gate. Space HAMSTER!

10:58 AM
Japanese executives also show up sans ties. These guys are not as androgynous as they are in the games! Need more spikey hair. Final Fantasy XIII being shown for the Xbox. 

10:57 AM
Awkward Japanese dudes are talking through a semi-hot translator. Something about Final Fantasy.

10:56 AM
2 map packs for MW2 will be Xbox only.

10:55 AM
Driving a snowmobile now. Looks kinda cool, but definitely linear down a track. The falling trees were nice though. MW2 portion is over.

10:54 AM
MW2 looks like more of MW1. That is not a bad thing. Digging the ability to clip dudes off of snowmobiles though.

10:53 AM
Seriously. I'm getting flashbacks to Cryostatis here. I know I know. Bitter PC gamer. I'm just waiting for a monster to pop out.

10:52 AM
Do you think this guy is actually playing the game? Is there such a thing as game-syncing?

10:51 AM
Dude, dual weilding ice picks. Now this is a game I can get behind!

10:49 AM
New vid of MW2 is a full gameplay moment. Guys are climbing up an icy mountain. Looks pretty sweet, though it's no Crysostatis ;-)

10:48 AM
Jason West, Vince Zampelli are the first dude looking dudes on stage. They appropriately go straight to the MW2 video like George Michael's sports machine.

10:47 AM
The snowmobile stuff reminds me of Babylon AD. Except not horrible.

10:47 AM
Call of Duty trailer is playing. It's the same one we have on the site. Snorez.

10:46 AM
Still not convinced this board will be any fun. Looks gimmicky. What do you do when you hit the air? They'll be on the showfloor so hopefully we'll see Ryan or Jeff on one.

10:45 AM
Looks like the skateboard needs a flat smooth surface for use. Wonder if it comes with a mat?

10:44 AM
Tony Hawk Ride trailer needs more game and less weird hats.

10:43 AM
Tony Hawk on the controller. "It looks similar to a skateboard". Oh really Mr. Hawk. You sir, are observant.

10:42 AM
Tony Hawk Ride is on display. Tony Hawk shows up with his skater dad dress code.

10:41 AM
John Shapport sports the V-neck black on black action. Yes I'm obsessed with executive stylings. 

10:40 AM
These dudes are such press nerds. Paul still does the little kid dance thing. Paul is apparently an "android". Paul "thanks for having us on your game show". Yes Paul, that's kinda true, cuz you're about to make bank son!

10:39 AM
Dude, Sir Paul and Ringo!!!!!

10:38 AM
Yoko Ono just showed up. MIcrosoft is now screwed.

10:37 AM
Danny Harrison does a wave. My guess is George's son? Has the same goofy ears. Awesome!

10:36 AM
Abbey Road the entire album with be a DLC. Nice.

10:34 AM
Saw her Standing There, Hold your Hand, I Feel Fine, DayTripper, Tax Man, I Am The Walrus, Back in the USSR, Octopus Garden, Here Comes the Sun, Get Back (On the Roof!!!!) are some of the for sure songs on Beatles Rock Band.

10:33 AM
Jiles Martin is very tall and very British. He sports the full tie which makes me appreciate his full suitiness.

10:32 AM
IGN and GameSpot are both down. I just won a free round of beers from the engineers at GS. Score.

10:31 AM
Didn't the Beatles only have 4 members (plus BIlly Preston for Let it Be). There's like 40 dudes on that stage. Is that fake applause going on?

10:30 AM
Man, where is Harmonix Alex? Wonder if he's standing next to Jeff.

10:28 AM
No J. Allard. This conference is already a bummer. Nice cards there corporate dude. Notice the non tie action?

10:26 AM
I'm a huge Beatles fan. Already digging the style of this trailer. Cell-shaded ringo. Count me in. Nice to see they aren't focusing hardcore on the early stuff.

10:25 AM
Look it's the monkees?

10:24 AM
I actually hope the Zune stuff turns out pretty cool. Apple could use a decent competitor. OMG it's about to start!

10:20 AM
The big question: "are we gonna see new franchises?" Can you have a franchise before you have two games?

10:19 AM
Morgan Webb just told me go to the bathroom. Oh you saucy minx. I got you beat.

10:18 AM
This show needs more Matt Lauer. I love how "horse armor" is a recurring joke in the gaming industry. Someone at Bethesda laughs hardcore on that one. 

10:16 AM
Half a billion hours have been played on XLive. We could have cured cancer!

10:14 AM
I've seen ads for baldness, sexy women and motorcycle repair. Yep, G4 knows their audience. Quick drinking game: take a shot any time Gears of Halo is said.

10:13 AM
Apparently Gears of War mainstreamed Co-Op. Someone has never played a little game called Ikari Warriors

10:11 AM
I noticed user Lies has pointed out the amazing technology we have here at the GB offices. Yes, why watch the conference when you can read me writing about. Seriously dude. High-tech shit here. I like the casual Fridays look that the G4 hosts have going on.

10:08 AM
Already disappointed by G4 title transitions. This show need more T-Rexes and Grizzly Bears. Love how they're talking about Halo and Gears. Think they'll be a new Gears announcement today? The Halo stuff already seems certain thanks to that achievement page.

10:06 AM
I thought G4 said there were no commercials? I'm watching commercials for "the sexy lady show". Not that I'm complaining.

10:01 AM
I love how G4 asks questions about announcements they already know about. Apparently Madden sold well, who knew?

10:01 AM:
Morgan Webb is looking fine as always.

10:00 AM:
I have gone to the bathroom to prep.
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