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Giant Bomb News


Kojima Up To Old Tricks With New Metal Gear Teaser

Konami posts one cryptic image, and the internet is aflame with speculation about the nature of the next Metal Gear game.

Kojima Productions has it easy these days. Other developers have to claw and scrape for publicity just to get people to notice their games. All Hideo Kojima and friends need is to post a weird-looking image with the words "Metal Gear" somewhere nearby, and everybody goes crazy. The entirety of their latest tease you can view there to your right.

Speculation is rampant, of course. What do we have so far?

  • Shacknews, where I first saw this, highlights the use of the glowing green color and that third symbol--which is nearly identical to the one on the Xbox 360's power button--to connect the dots to some sort of new 360 Metal Gear release. Whether that's the Xbox MGS4 port rumored ad nauseam or a whole new game isn't for me to say. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of interesting new XBLA Metal Gear release.
  • That "i" at the beginning of the equation is obviously significant. Could relate to the iPhone. Could refer to the Nintendo DSi. It also looks like the font used in the Wii logo. Those possibilities conflict with the obvious Xbox-related imagery though, in my mind. Maybe it relates to Metal Gear Acid in some way? The logo for that game is usually written as AC!D.
  • Could any of this relate to Metal Gear Solid Existence, the trademark Konami registered in both the U.S. and Japan some time ago?
  • Jeff points out the acronym "MGST" appears in the URL for this teaser site. Could that be telling? It might be the abbreviated title of the new game. (Metal Gear Solid Transience: Solid Snake is on hard times, takes up residence in that cardboard box.) Then again, it might simply stand for "Metal Gear Solid teaser."

What do you think is up with this "next Metal Gear?" Post your analysis in the comments, or send us your ideas, and I'll post some of the best ones if we get enough.
Brad Shoemaker on Google+