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Giant Bomb News


Doom II Heading To XBLA This Week

What if that shotgun had two barrels?

 What did you know?!
 What did you know?!
Earlier this morning, Gamerbytes found something a little odd on the Japanese Xbox Live Marketplace. Specifically, they found Doom II: Hell On Earth. Apparently, the port of id Software's classic FPS sequel had been released on the Japanese Marketplace. Why did Japan get Doom II before the U.S.? What transgression did the U.S. commit that would keep us from our deserved shotguns with two barrels? Was this some kind of conspiracy? Who was keeping Doom II out of the U.S.? And why did this news come out four days after it was rumored J Allard was let go from Microsoft? Is he in on the conspiracy? Is J Allard trying to stop Doom II? Is Microsoft trying to stop Doom II? And why can't anyone find John Romero?! 

We'll never know the real answers, but Major Nelson went on to confirm that Doom II: Hell On Earth will be released on XBLA this Wednesday. No price was specified in the announcement, but the game was selling on the Japanese store for 800 Microsoft points, which seems like the right price. 
The original Doom--and by "original Doom", I mean the 2006 XBLA port of Doom, not the original release of Doom back in 1993, or the original release of Doom II in 1994--was a solid port of the classic game, with fun co-op and multiplayer.
Are you guys excited to climb back into the suit of the classic hero, "Nameless Space Marine" and take down the forces of hell?